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  -r   Recurse subdirectories
  -rp  Recurse subdirectories, preserve the path structure below
  -rP  Recurse subdirectories, preserve path structure specified band
  -r-  Turn off recursion (used to override configuration file)

  When this option is specified, PKZIP will search the source directory for
  subdirectories.  If any subdirectories are found, PKZIP searches them for
  files.  If a further level of subdirectories is found in a subdirectory,
  PKZIP will search these as well.

  PKZIP will enter as many subdirectory levels as exist.

     pkzip mail.zip -r c:\mymail\*.*

  Using the above command, all files contained within the "mymail"
  subdirectory, as well as all files within any subdirectories, would be
  archived.  Only the file names would be retained, and not the names of the

     pkzip mail2.zip -rp c:\mymail\*.*

  The second example would preserve the same files as the first, but also
  keep the names of any subdirectories found below the "mymail"
  subdirectory.  Note that the "mymail" subdirectory itself would not be
  retained since the -P is not being used.

     pkzip pay_june.zip -rP d:\payroll\*.*

  The third example will compress all of the files in the payroll directory,
  as well as all of the files in any subdirectories.  The -rp would cause
  the subdirectories to be recursed and stored.  The -P will cause
  "\payroll" to be stored as well.  Without the -P, the "\payroll" portion
  of the path would not be stored.  This option may be made the default, see
  PKZIP Configuration.

  Please note that paths are not stored when the -r option is specified
  without the p or P option.  In order for paths to be stored, the -r option
  must be accompanied by the -p or -P option.

See Also: -P
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson