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  PKZIP Warning Messages

  PKZIP: (W01) Warning! Can't open XXXXX.CFG

  When PKZIP runs it looks for a configuration file.  The three places that
  PKZIP will look for it's configuration file are: The current directory,
  the directory where PKZIP.EXE is located, and the directory pointed to by
  the environment variable PKZIP.CFG.

  If the PKZIP.CFG environment variable is set, and PKZIP cannot locat a
  configuration file in any of the three places it looks, you will receive
  this error message.

  PKZIP: (W02) Warning! Can't open XXXXX

  This error usually occurs on Networks where you either do not have read
  access to a file or another process/user has the file open in an exclusive

  If the file is held open by another process you may be able to overcome
  this problem by using the -= switch.

  PKZIP will exit with an error level of 18 when this warning is received.

  PKZIP: (W03) Warning! Can't delete XXXXX.

  The -m (Move) option was specified to delete files after the .ZIP file was
  constructed.  However, the named file could not be deleted, and is
  probably read-only.  You may also receive this message if the file is on a
  network drive and you do not have access to delete the file, or it is
  locked by another application.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson