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  -d   Delete files

  This command will allow you to remove individual files from within a .ZIP
  file.  This command is only applicable to already existing .ZIP files.

     pkzip test.zip -d license.doc

  In the above example the file license.doc would be removed from the .ZIP
  file test.zip (assuming that it was in the .ZIP file in the first place).

  Note: The deletion of files from within a .ZIP file causes a situation
  where a temporary .ZIP file will exist during the deletion process.  In
  order to delete a file from a .ZIP file there must be as much disk space
  free as will be occupied by the modified .ZIP file.

  Multiple files may be deleted at one time.  You may do this either by
  placing multiple file names on the command line, or by specifying a list
  file containing the names of files you want deleted.

     pkzip july.zip -d file1.wk file2.wk1

     pkzip tue_back.zip -d @old.lst

See Also: Using List Files
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson