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  PKZIP can now create .ZIP files that exceed the size of a floppy disk.
  You can use PKZIP to backup your entire hard disk and unlike most backup
  programs, PKZIP can use disks formatted by DOS, or it can format the disk
  for you.  PKZIP can optionally erase all files on the destination disk(s),
  or leave those files intact.  PKZIP can optionally quick format the
  destination disk(s), or do a normal (unconditional) format.  A quick
  format erases the information on the disk without formatting each track,
  greatly reducing the time required to format a disk.

  Option   Description
  -&       Span disks if necessary.

  You must specify this option if you wish to create a .ZIP file on multiple
  disks.  If this option is not specified and you exceed the capacity of a
  floppy disk, a DISK FULL error message will result.

  -&f      Format the destination disk.

  PKZIP will format the destination disk(s) if you specify this option.  If
  the disk has been formatted previously, a quick format will be performed,
  otherwise a full format will be performed.

  -&fl     The destination disk is to be formatted to low density.

  If you plan to use low density disks in a high density disk drive, this
  option is required.  For example, if you have a 1.44 meg floppy disk
  drive, and plan to zip to 720K disks and your disks are not formatted, you
  must specify this option.  If your disk drive is a 360K or 720K drive,
  this option is not required.  If any information was previously contained
  on the disk, it will be erased.

  -&u      Unconditionally (always) format the disk.

  Always format the disk before being used.  A full format will be used, a
  quick format will never be performed.  If any information was previously
  contained on the disk, it will be erased.

  -&ul     Unconditionally (always) format a low density disk in a high
           density disk drive.

  Always format the disk before being used.  A full format will be used, a
  quick format will never be performed.  If any information was previously
  contained on the disk, it will be erased.

  -&w      Wipe the disk. (Erase all files and subdirectories)

  This is similar to -&f, except the files are deleted, rather than
  formatting the disk.  This is for usage with non floppy removable devices,
  such as Bernoulli boxes.

  -&s[d:]  Include subdirectories in zipping process (similar to -rp \*.*).

  This option tells PKZIP that you wish to backup the entire disk drive.
  The current disk drive will be used if no disk drive is specifed.  You do
  not need to specify the -rp option (recurse and store pathnames).  If you
  also specify files on another disk drive, these files will be compressed,
  as well as all files on the default drive.  (Please see following

  All options are case insensitive, but this may change in future versions.
  option must be specified with -&u or -&f.

  Note: If you create a .ZIP file with the same name as exists on a disk
        set, you do not need to use the WIPE or FORMAT options.  PKZIP will
        create a new .ZIP file with the same name; this method is faster.

  Note: All the PKZIP Configuration File options can be overridden on the
        command line by specifying the option and a '-'.  For example,
        -&f- will override BACKUP=FORMAT in the Configuration File and
        turn off formatting.


  Command Line              Description
  pkzip a:zipfile -&        Zip the current directory to drive A:, and
                            span disks if necessary.  The files
                            currently on drive A: will not be affected.

  C:\>pkzip a:zipfile -&s   Zip all files on drive C: to the A: drive.

  C:\>pkzip b:zipfile -&s d:\sd\*.*  Zip all files on drive C:
                                     (the current drive), and all files
                                     in the D:\SD directory to the B: drive.

  C:\>pkzip a:zipfile -&s d:\*.BAT   Zip all the files on drive C: and
                                     all .BAT files on drive D: to the
                                     A: drive.

  pkzip a:zipfile -&f -rp   Zip the current directory and its subdirectories
                            to drive A:, and format each disk. A quick
                            format will be performed if possible, which is
                            much faster than a unconditional format.

  pkzip a:zipfile -&u -rp   Same as above, except the disk will be
                            unconditionally formatted.

  pkzip a:zipfile -&fl      Zip the current directory to drive A:, and
                            format each disk to low density.  This option
                            only applies to users using a 360K floppy disk
                            in a 1.2 meg drive, or users using a 720K floppy
                            disk in a 1.44 meg drive.  A quick format will
                            be performed if possible, which is much faster
                            than a unconditional format.

  pkzip a:zipfile -&ul      Same as above, except the disk will be
                            unconditionally formatted (do not quick format).

  pkzip a:zipfile -&w -rp   Zip the current directory and its subdirectories
                            to drive A:, and wipe each disk.  All files and
                            subdirectories will be erased from the A: drive.
                            The disk will not be formatted or quick

  pkzip a:zipfile -&fs      Zip the current disk drive (including
                            subdirectories) to drive A:, and format each
                            disk.  If the destination disk has previously
                            been formatted, a quick format will be
                            performed.  Otherwise, an unconditional format
                            will be performed.

  New Options For the PKZIP.CFG Configuration File

  The keyword BACKUP=  can be followed by the following keywords:

  SPAN             The -& option is enabled.  If this keyword is not
                   specified, the following options will only be enabled
                   when -& is specified on the command line.  Same as -&.

  UNCONDITIONAL    Format the disk unconditionally.  Same as -&u.

  LOW              Using low density disks.  Same as -&l

  FORMAT           Format the disks.  Same as -&f.

  WIPE             Wipe the disks.  Same as -&w.

  FULL             Do a full backup.  Same as -&s.

  Examples                             Same as
  BACKUP=SPAN FORMAT                   -&f
  BACKUP=LOW SPAN                      -&l
  BACKUP=FORMAT WIPE         Illegal -- WIPE and FORMAT are exclusive.
  BACKUP=FULL                          -&s
  BACKUP=FULL  WIPE                    -&sw

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson