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  * PKCFG is only included in the registered version of PKZIP.

  PKZIP can have many of its features configured with a configuration file
  called PKZIP.CFG.  This configuration file can be located in either your
  current directory, a directory specified with the environment variable
  PKZIP.CFG, or in the directory that PKZIP.EXE is located.  PKZIP will
  search for the configuration in each location in the order listed above.
  This means that you may have a default configuration file that is easily
  overridden by using a configuration file in either of the first two
  locations.  Any option that is set in the configuration file may be
  overridden from the command line.  The configuration file may be created
  manually with a text editor.

  The PKCFG program will look for an existing configuration file in the same
  locations and order that PKZIP would look.  If the PKCFG program finds an
  existing configuration file it will load it.  The existing configuration
  values will be shown in the place of the defaults.  A list of options will
  be displayed on the screen, and a highlighted cursor indicates the option
  that you can modify.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson