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  Configuring PKZIP with PKCFG.EXE and the PKZIP.CFG file

  PKZIP can have several of its features configured semi-permanently.
  These configuration changes are made through a configuration file called

  This configuration file can be located in one of three places:

     1) The current directory
     2) A directory specified with the environment variable PKZIP.CFG
     3) The directory in which PKZIP.EXE is located

  PKZIP will search for the configuration in each location in the order
  listed above.  This means that you may have a default configuration file
  that is easily overridden by using a configuration file in either of the
  first two locations.

  Any option that is set in the configuration file may be overridden from
  the command line.

  The configuration file may either be created manually with a text editor,
  or through the use of the included utility, PKCFG.EXE


  The PKCFG program will look for an existing configuration file in the same
  locations and order that PKZIP would.  If the PKCFG program finds an
  existing configuration file it will load it.  The existing configuration
  values will be shown in place of the defaults.

  A list of options will be displayed on the screen.  A highlighted cursor
  indicates the option you can modify.  Use the [UP Arrow] and [DOWN Arrow]
  keys to move up and down through the list.

  Options may be toggled with either the the [LEFT Arrow] and [RIGHT Arrow]
  keys or by pressing the [ENTER] key.  Some options have complex
  possibilities.  When one of these is modified, a small dialog box with
  options to be changed will be displayed.

  To reset all displayed options to the default values press [F5].  In order
  to save the options you have selected to the configuration file, press
  [F1].  Press [F10] to exit the program.  If you exit without saving
  changes, you will be prompted.


  The options available in a configuration file are shown in the table on
  the next page.  The "Default Value" column shows the default value of each

  The default is the value that would be assumed if the option were not
  specified in the configuration file.

  NOTE: PKCFG is included with the registered version of PKZIP, and is not
        included with the shareware version.

                       Configuration File Options
  |       Option        |     Alternate Value     |     Default Value      |
  | ANSI                | enabled                 | disabled               |
  | INCLUDE             | hidden/system           | (none)                 |
  | MASK                | readonly/hidden/system  | (none)                 |
  | RECURSE             | on                      | off                    |
  | PATHS               | all, recurse            | (none)                 |
  | ZIPDATE             | keep, latest            | current                |
  | COMPRESS            | maximum, fast, speed    | normal                 |
  | LISTCHAR            | (any)                   | @                      |
  | OPTIONCHAR          | (any)                   | -                      |
  | VIEW (Type)         | brief                   | long                   |
  | VIEW (reverse sort) | reverse                 | (none)                 |
  | VIEW (sort order)   | size, date, name, ratio | natural                |
  |                     | comments, extension     |                        |
  | EMS                 | disable                 | enable                 |
  | XMS                 | disable                 | enable                 |
  | NET                 | disable                 | enable                 |
  | DPMI                | disable                 | enable                 |
  | 386                 | disable                 | enable                 |

  Options separated by a slash / character may be used alone or in
  combination with others.  Options separated by a comma may not be combined
  with the exception of VIEW.  With VIEW one option from each of the three
  categories may be used in combination.

  A configuration file consists of ASCII text.  This file may be created
  with any text editor that can create a plain ASCII or `DOS Text' file.


  Following are several example configuration files with explanations of
  what they would accomplish.

     ;Example PKZIP.CFG #1
     ;Config files may contain comments if they are prefaced by a

  The first example configuration file does the following:

  -> Turns on the storage of paths that are found during recursion.  This
     would make all commands using the -r option behave as though the -rp
     option was used.

  -> Any view (-v) command used without options will be shown in brief
     format, sorted in reverse order of the file size.

  -> All commands that do not specify the compression type will use the
     fastest (-es) method of compression.

     ;Example PKZIP.CFG #2

  The second example configuration file does the following:

  -> Causes PKZIP to archive hidden and system files by default.  Hidden and
     system files are normally skipped by PKZIP and not visible in directory

  -> Any command will behave as though the -r option has been used

  -> All paths will be stored, both those specified on the command line and
     those found through recursion(-r).

  -> Any view (-v) command used without options will be shown sorted in
     order of file extension.  Note that the view would be long, the default
     value.  If the view command were specified with -vb using the
     configuration file, the view would be brief, but the sort order
     specified in the configuration file would still be in effect unless
     overridden with a command line option.

  -> EMS usage is disabled.

  -> All commands that do not specify the compression type would use the
     highest compression possible (-ex).

  NOTE: The options for zipping to multiple floppy disks are documented in
        the ADDENDUM.DOC file.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson