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  Support Conferences

  PKWARE maintains support conferences on several BBS Networks.  Such as
  ILink, SmartNet and Rime.  You may leave a question in the PKWARE support
  conference on any of these networks.  A Support Technician or fellow user
  will answer your questions.  Many other BBS networks also offer PKWARE
  conferences, but these are not necessarily monitored by PKWARE.


  PKWARE also maintains its own BBS.  The PKWARE BBS is normally available
  24 hours a day.  The BBS supports all baud rates from 1200 up to 14.4K.
  Set your communications software for 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.

  The PKWARE BBS offers the latest in PKWARE shareware as well as many other
  files for downloading.  The PKWARE BBS has multiple phone lines for your



  PKWARE Support Technicians maintain a discussion forum on CompuServe.  To
  get to the forum, simply type "GO PKWARE" from any CompuServe prompt.

  PKWARE CompuServe ID# 75300,730


  PKWARE products are frequently discussed in the newsgroup
  "comp.compression".  Internet newsgroups are not supported directly by

  Through Internet

  Voice and Fax

  You may reach a PKWARE Support Technician by sending a Fax containing your


  If your question is urgent, or you do not have access to any of the above
  methods of communication, a Support Technician may be reached by phone.
  PKWARE Technical support is normally available Monday through Friday, 9 am
  to 5 pm Central Time (-7 hours GMT).

  PKWARE Voice Support

  Information to Give

  When contacting PKWARE Technical Support in any of the above methods,
  please be prepared to provide as much information about the problem as
  possible.  Include the version numbers for: PKZIP, DOS, and any Memory and
  Device Drivers you are using.  Include the command(s) you have tried to
  use, and what the results were and note why you feel you have a problem.

  When faxing a problem, a print out of any error messages is often helpful
  in determining a solution.

  Please see the Trouble Shooting section for additional information.

  9025 N. Deerwood Dr.
  Brown Deer, WI  53223
  (414)354-8559 FAX
  (414)354-8670 BBS

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson