SPEA Hotline Information =========================================================================== Trouble Shooting Guide ............................................ AutoCAD SPEA V7 series Release 0795.5 =========================================================================== Dear user, the following text contains hints, tricks and solutions for common problems and requests. Many of them came from other users in the field. We´d like to thank them for their contribution. IMPORTANT NOTE Please check also the references to driver updates and to system-configuration in the respective helpfile (A). Yours sincerely the Support-Team of SPEA SOFTWARE AG AutoCAD-configuration =========================================================================== Questions !.Answers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIGFOCUS for ACAD DOS 12.30 doesn´t start? !.C10 Are there drivers for AutoCAD 10? !.C1 Can I use AutoCAD on the V7-MIRAGE with a resolution 1280x1024 ? !.C2 Can I have a dualscreen installation with SPEA-V7 boards? !.C3 Mercury: 2-screen; ACAD hangs; black screen. !.C11 Quick reference to dualscreen installation with Mercury ISA, Mirage ISA/VL and / or FIRE/HILITE !.C9 What can I do to get a correct display of the instruments of DDVPOINT? !.C4 AutoCAD turned out to be very slow? !.C5 Delays (Latch-up) when using a digitizer? !.C6 There is no tutor in BigFocus for Windows?! !.C8 Dualscreen installation: The second screen doesn´t turn black after leaving AutoCAD? !.C8 AutoCAD-configuration =========================================================================== Answers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C1 No, BigFocus supports AutoCAD from version 11 on. C2 No, BigFocus 12 works with 256 colours or more; the Mirage can´t offer that at a reasonable vertical frequency, with 1 MB it doesn´t offer that resolution with 256 colors at all. C3 Yes, use one of the dualscreen bundles. Please ask your dealer! C4 Edit the file DDVPOINT.DCL and set line 64 to height = 8; C5 1.- ACAD is swapping permanently on the harddisk: Get more RAM! 2.- Install HIMEM.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS. 3.- Set DEMANDLOAD to OFF using CFIGPHAR.EXE. C6 Increase the value of VSCAN (e.g. to 80000) using the programm CFIGPHAR.EXE (Configure Switches-System Switches-Vsan). C7 There is really no tutor in the BigFocus 12 for Windows! An extensive Online-Help renders the tutor superfluous. C8 Use the tool V7CLEAR2.EXE (available in the BBS). C9 a) Dualscreen with Mercury ISA, Mirage ISA/VL 1. disable the VGA-BIOS of the Mercury, install both boards. 2. Install the Superdisk for the Mercury. 3. Set up both boards for their monitor using SPTUNE (1.20 or 2.05). 4. Install BigFocus. 5. Set environment variables for ACAD: SET SWAPBOARDS = OFF SET DUALSCREEN = ON 6. Delete ACAD.XLI and ACAD.CFG, if they exist. Start and configure AutoCAD. Select the SPEA S3 3D ADI 4.2 driver displayed in the list of available display drivers (7.) Set up BigFocus 12 using the command #speaconfig ... Advise: Select a resolution of 1024x768 or higher for the Mercury! b) Dualscreen mit Fire / HiLite + Mirage ISA / Mercury ISA 1. Install the BigFocus 12 for the Mercury / Mirage into a temporary directory. In this directory you´ll find the RCS3. EXP or RCS3V.EXP, copy it to C:\ACAD\DRV . 2. install the superdisk for the Fire / Hilite. 3. Set the environment variable for the secondary screen SET RCPADIT = C:\ACAD\DRV\RCS3.EXP when using a Mirage SET RCPADIT = C:\ACAD\DRV\RCS3V.EXP when using a Mercury 4. Install the Bigfocus for the Fire / HiLite. 5. Set environment variables for ACAD: SET SWAPBOARDS = OFF SET DUALSCREEN = ON 6. Delete ACAD.XLI and ACAD.CFG, if they exist. Start and configure AutoCAD. (7.) Set up BigFocus 12 using the command #speaconfig ... Advise: Select a resolution of 1024x768 or higher for the Fire / HiLite! C10 Find the file P9X00RES.DAT in C:\SPEA\GDC and edit the following line: Set Bustyp = DETECT to VESA or PCI depending on your PC´s bus. Attention: These entries are case-sensitive! If you have problems with Windows, find the block [p9100.drv] in the SYSTEM.INI and make the same modification. C11 Mercury: use SPTUNE from release 2.16! Make shure that no other (e.g. MIRAGE) or old driver are still installed! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -100795-TV