Very, Very Smart People!

(and Organizations)

The following 296 (or so) links lead to pages owned or maintained by very, very smart people or organizations. These are, without a doubt, the most intelligent entities on the net. Oddly enough, their pages all have links to the Obsolete Computer Museum.

Of course, we take no responsibiliy for the content of these pages. We only provide a cite to them. If you follow one of these links, you are taking full responsibility for whatever you find there.

The #1 Smart Guy is my dad, Harry Carlson. He doesn't have his own Web page, yet. But if he did, I'm sure he would link to the Museum.

North America or no country extension

  1. Abend
  2. Alan Crabtree's Bookmarks
  3. Alexandra's Awesome Homepage - Computer Hardware
  4. Alternative Party Links at the Alternative Party (I'm tempted to actually head for Sweden for this!)
  5. Amazing what all those 1's and 0's can do, isn't it?
  6. Anderson Homepage
  7. Angela's Bookmark Page
  8. Antique Pooter Collection
  9. Apple Links
  10. Apple Lisa Web Page
  12. Baby's Favorite Links
  13. Barbara's Hot List for the Intelligent!
  14. Bill von Hagen's Transarc Home Page
  15. Blasts from the Past
  16. Bookmarks Page for Bob Brooks
  17. Bryan King's Home Page
  18. The BSmith Connection
  19. Carl Friend's Computer Collection and Carl Friend "light"
  20. Carlton's Bookmarks
  21. The Categorical Catapult -- Fun / Entertainment Links
  22. CHAC History Pages
  23. Charles Green's Auxiliary Cache
  24. Chris Zapara's Hotlist
  25. Clara Cardwell Subject: Computer/Technology
  26. Classic Video Game/Computer Stuff
  27. Clock speed: A Provenance Retrospective on two decades of personal computing from Provenance, the electronic magazine
  28. Color Computer Stuff
  29. Commercial Computing Museum - Computer History Web Sites
  30. Commodore Links
  31. Computer - Pigeon Hill University
  32. Computer History
  33. Computer History and Online Computer Museums
  34. Computer History Sites
  35. Computer Journals Lists the Museum as an Underground Computer Journal, right above 2600 magazine!
  36. Computer Machines - Museums on the Web
  37. Computer-related resources
  38. Computer Related Sites
  39. Computer Stuff
  40. Computing History Resources
  41. Computing/Media History
  42. Cool Computer Stuff
  43. Cool Links
  44. Cool Places
  45. Cool Stuff on the Web and the Really Big List
  46. Cosmix Mother Load
  47. Crazy - My Computers
  48. CRH Very Important Persons List at the Computer Retirement Home
  49. David Coughran's Home Page
  50. David R. Pifer's Bookmarks
  51. Dempsey's Home Page
  52. Digging in the Internet
  53. DocOzone's Bookmarks
  54. Educational or Informative Links
  55. Elsewhere...
  56. Ernest's Page
  57. ERREsoft Directory
  58. Favorite Sites
  59. Frank's - Links
  60. June 1995 Archive of the Geek Site of the Day
  61. Get linked! - Lou's Links
  62. "GOULASH" A Random Link Reference
  63. Guy Harris's Bookmarks
  64. Hacker Sites
  65. History of Art and Computing
  66. History of Computer Science
  67. History of Science and Technology
  68. Meet god, improve your sex life with babe pics, plus a problem page and links to other sites at Homme's Wokingham Ankers
  69. Hoosier On-Line Home Page for Elba Miranda
  70. Hotlist: Mathematics
  71. Ian's Home Page
  72. iGuide Net Reviews
  73. Interesting facts about Silicon Valley
  74. Interesting Web Sites on Computer History
  75. Interlog Internet Services - LINKS
  76. IPL Ready Reference Collection: Computers & Internet--Computer Hardware
  77. Jeff Goebel's Bookmarks
  78. Jennifer's Favorite Miscellaneous Links
  79. Jim & Wendy White's Hot Links
  80. Computing at Joe A. Machado, A Human Being In The Telecom Program at O.S.U.
  81. Just some links Zach likes from Zachary T. Lausman
  82. Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators : Computing and Index: N-R
  83. Keith's Favorite Places On The WWW at the ATARI 2600 High Scores Page
  84. Keith's List o' Links
  85. kenny b's Bookmarks
  86. Other Collections from Kevan's Computer Bits...
  87. Kevin's Free For All Link Page
  88. Kevin's Page
  89. KN Museums
  90. Laurie's Personal Home Page (to the Plus/4 page, anyway)
  91. Lee Herman's MOPAR Page
  92. History of San Jose and Silicon Valley - Chinatown, Palo Alto, Beat Generation, Route 128
  93. Leif Andrew Rump's Bookmarks
  94. Library
  95. Link Center at HACKER-X's Home Page
  96. LinkDump!
  97. Linkage
  98. Links Found Via The BlackWidow/0.03b Robot
  99. Lost Museum of Sciences
  100. Lots of Links
  101. Lots of Links
  102. Lowell N Johnson
  103. Mac512k Web Pages
  104. MacAntiques
  105. Many Wolves: Lines of Flight Page
  106. Mark Devaney's Recreation Stuff Links
  107. Mark Hughes: Retrocomputing
  108. Mark Starr's Bookmarks
  109. Mark's Computer Sites
  110. Maryville College WebMaster Home Page
  111. Mathematics Connections
  112. Mel's Home Page: Friends & Fun!
  113. Michaelsplatz - Techie Stuff
  114. Mike Smith
  115. Mindemoya Computing and Design's WWW Top Ten
  116. Misc./Weirdness Pages...
  117. Miscellaneous
  118. Miscellaneous and Unusual Museums
  119. Miscellaneous Global Links (28-Aug-1995)
  120. MITS/Pertec Altair
  121. Model 100 Page
  122. Mohit Srivastava's List of Interesting Links
  123. Museum of the Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
  124. Museums
  125. Museums
  126. Museums
  127. Museums, Observatories and Planetaria
  128. Museums of the World
  129. My Bookmarks
  130. My Favorite Domestic Sites
  131. My Hotlist
  132. Ned's List of Unclassified URLs
  133. Nerd Alcove
  134. Nerd World : COMPUTERS
  135. New Crusades: Cool Sites
  136. NewView: Geography, History and NewView: Technology
  137. Norm Pinder's Home Page!
  138. North American Museums - American Museums
  139. Obsolete Computer Museum Description
  140. OCP: Computer/History
  141. Online Symbolics Museum
  142. Other Collections
  143. Other Links to Other Places
  144. Paul L. Coleman's Bookmarks
  145. Paul's Techie Programmer Page
  146. People we suck up to! at Things that ROCK! / Things that SUCK!
  147. Peter Baer's Home Page
  148. Physics Around the World: History of Science & Science Museums
  149. Physics Around the World: History of Science & Science Museums (Fancy Version)
  150. Pitsco Resources: Exhibits
  151. Places Greg Wanders to
  152. Professor Plum on computers at the World According to Professor Plum
  153. Preserving Old Memories
  154. Previous WWWoWWWWs from the beeHive
  155. Randoms
  156. Retrocomputing Museum Kind of an Obsolete Language Museum!
  157. Richard's Favorite Links
  158. RSS Links Page
  159. Sage Kim's Bookmarks
  160. School of Computer Studies - Faculty Pages
  161. Science Friday: February 16, 1996
  162. Science Museums
  163. Screaming Numbers: Personal Computers
  164. Search Engines, Directories, and Utilities
  165. 2ndpage at Mahoney
  166. Sir Robin's Home Page
  167. Sock Master's Home Page
  168. Some Favorite Computer Links
  169. (The Spider's Web) Cool Places
  170. Steve Sparks's Homepage
  171. Swaine's World - History of Computation
  172. Sysop's Home Page
  173. Teenville Fun Links at Teenville
  174. Terminal Frost Home Page
  175. Terminals
  176. TI-99/4A Home Computer Page
  177. Timeline of Museum Pieces
  178. Tin's Top Picks at Tinfoil's Happy Place 1.1.0
  179. Totally Useless!
  180. Trailing Edge of Technology at the Computer Journal
  181. Tuffy's Home Page
  182. UFCWS Educational Resource Directory
  183. Uncle Roger's Bookmarks
  184. Untitled
  185. Virtual Museum of Computing
  186. Virtual Galleries
  187. Voice of the Shuttle: Cyberculture Page
  188. Wakko's Computer History Museum
  189. Web Whirl Transcript March 2
  190. Weird, Wacky, Bizarre Stuff on the Web
  191. Weird Web Wizard
  192. Welcome to Bruce Duncan's Links Page
  193. What's New in World Wide Web - 06/27/95
  194. Willard Goosey's Bookmarks
  195. William Edwards's Bookmarks
  196. Windows Still Sucks!!! and Other cool computer stuff...
  197. YPN: Tech: Computing 101
  198. Zack Burns's Bookmarks
  199. Zen Links

United Kingdom

  1. Alphabetical List of Links
  2. Bob's Computer Museum
  3. ComputerNet Home Page
  4. Computers Home Page
  5. Directory - Internet Today
  6. Edge Hill College - Links to other sites
  7. Guide - Emulators and Computing History
  8. Hairy Jeremy's House of Hair - Techie Stuff and UAUG - CPC resources on the 'net
  9. Ian Paterson's Home Page
  10. Kingston list of galleries and museums
  11. Lexikon Services Publishing
  12. Lifestyle.UK - Real Life - Education - Resources - Museums and Exhibitions
  13. Links to Other Sites
  14. Links Wot I Like at MarziWeb
  15. Miscellaneous Links
  16. Museums and Loads-a-links - Serious Sites
  17. Museums
  18. Museums and Jumping Off Points
  19. North America - Detailed Category Index
  20. Open Day Web Page
  21. Paul Schleifer - Miscellaneous Web Sites
  22. Rhod's Web Links
  23. Science-Computing Index
  24. UAUG - CPC resources on the 'net and Hairy Jeremy's House of Hair - Techie Stuff
  25. Virtual Museum of Computing
  26. WWW Virtual Library: Museums around the USA
  27. Zak Beck's Bookmarks

Australia and Tasmania

  1. Brad's List of Serious Stuff on the Web
  2. Brian Murray's Bookmarks
  3. Bryan's Bit Bucket
  4. Cameron Simpson's Hotlist - Group o
  5. David Monro's Bookmarks
  6. David Tilson's Explorer Page
  7. Every Day is a New Day
  8. Geoffrey's Geek Guide - Geek Sites Of The Week 14th-20th August 1996
  9. Germ's Miscellaneous Links
  10. History of Science, Technology and Medicine - Specialised collections
  11. History of Science, Technology and Medicine - Museums, exhibitions and images
  12. infobaRn - IST1132 Readings
  13. John's Home Page
  15. lukez's Bookmark file
  16. Matt and Chris's Links Page at Planet Jumby
  17. Michael's Computer Links
  18. Moby & Bubble's Humble Abode - Educational Links
  19. More Requested page links. The Orac Page 7 Jumpgate at the ORAC on AARVARK's WWW home page
  20. MUL Curric kids' sites
  21. Some of my favourite links
  22. Spoonman links cool wicked homepage australia
  23. Taroona High School - World Wide Web Sites (Tasmania)
  24. What's Lukewarm and What's Tepid


  1. Collection of Other Interesting Links
  2. Cool Web Places Part 1
  3. Einige Links nach draußen
  4. Favorite Links
  5. Historical Computers
  6. Was da so rumläuft
  7. Wissenschaft & Forschung and here and here!


  1. Fredrick Backman's Hacking Page
  2. Hacker
  3. Hans' länkkorv, uppsorterad
  4. Jonas Hultén's Homepage
  5. Länkar till lyxburkar!
  6. Patrik Sanfridsson's Bookmarks


  1. Koos van den Hout : World Wide Web links
  2. Life and Times of Sander van Malssen and Computing Hotlist
  3. Martijn's Home Page
  4. Simon Oosthoek's Bookmarks


  1. Collectors Web
  2. dard's New Cool Site
  3. Kogawa/Connections/My Favorite Sites
  4. Links for NetTravellers95 recommends


  1. ART Links
  2. Loads of Links
  3. Some cool link
  4. Tietotekniikan roinasto


  1. Arnaud Lallouet's Bookmarks
  2. Olivier GALIBERT's Bookmarks
  3. PDP's and in English
  4. Some Useful Links!

New Zealand

  1. Communications Studies Department - Useful Information
  2. Gary's Bookmarks
  3. Home Pages Out There


  1. home of hoho
  2. PC Franz Nostalgie
  3. Plus4


  2. Scienza

Other International

  1. 8 - Bits > HardCore computers (Israel)
  2. Afonso Gutemberg's Homepage (Brazil)
  3. Appleby Consulting: PC Industry Info Sources (Taiwan)
  4. Computer Links (Greece)
  5. Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering (Turkey)
  6. Enterprise 64/128 Depository (Belgium)
  8. Paul A. Mayer's Bookmarks (Denmark)
  9. School of Computing: History (South Korea)

To the NCSC Home Page.

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