Not Tax Deductible

Please note that the Obsolete Computer Museum is a private collection, not a non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible. But be realistic:

  1. Even if the Museum really was a non-profit, you would probably need to get your old computer formally appraised.
  2. Unfortunately, as far as I know, no one does this. Existing appraisers simply don't know anything about old computers, yet.
  3. Even if they did, your old computer probably isn't worth much. Its usability is probably nil. Unless it's a real collector's item like an Apple I, an old MITS Altair or an IMSAI box, it won't be worth much in terms of dollars, maybe $50 tops. Until old computer collecting becomes a more wide-spread hobby, there just aren't any guidelines for the value of an old system.
  4. So, unless you're really near the bottom of a tax bracket, it's not going to be much of a deduction and won't lower your taxes much. (Of course, I don't know much about taxes, so I could be totally wrong here.)
  5. In any case, if not getting a deduction is keeping you from otherwise donating equipment, I can send a token amount to cover this missed deduction. But I do mean "token", say $10 - $20. Many of these old system cost $40 - $50 to send via UPS. That alone really blows my budget.
Hopefully, some time in the future, I'll set up the Museum as a non-profit organization. But that won't happen any time soon. Sorry!
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Begone! Back to the Museum!