Obsolete Computer Museum FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

(Actually, only a few have ever really been asked.)

What's the Obsolete Computer Museum all about?

It's just a place to stop by and reminisce about the old days of personal computing. It's by no means a definitive guide to any of these wonders of the near past. (But, if I know of a definitive guide, I'll link to it.)

Who cares about these old computers?

Judging by my e-mail, lots of people, including me!

Are these computers really "obsolete"?

Some are. Some, like the Model 100, are really very useful machines. I use "obsolete" as a term of endearment rather than derision.

Is this site safe for kids?

Pretty much, except for the nude picture. Also, the page of smart people includes links that go all over the place. Obviously, any one of them could eventually lead to objectionable stuff. But if you stay withing the Museum, you're pretty safe.

Has this site received any Internet accolades?

Has this site received any media attention?

  • The Museum was mentioned and I was quoted in an article in the May issue of Internet Underground magazine. It's a nice article, but the editors left off the URL for the Museum. Oh well.
  • My name seems to be attached to a sidebar in the April issue of PC Novice. It's news to me! If anyone has a copy they no longer want, feel free to send it to me.
  • The Museum and it's VIC-20 page appeared on The Site on MSNBC for approximately 15 seconds on November 6, 1996. It also appears in the Web version of the piece.
  • The Model 100 page appeared on the Discovery Channel's Cyberlife for a split second as part of a piece on the Model 100. (If it wasn't for the dark purple background, I would have missed it.) It was a nice little story. However, keep in mind that the male host claimed on one show that moving the write-protect tab on your disk would not only prevent anyone from reading the contents of a file, they wouldn't even be able to list the file names. I'm glad they do their homework over there.
  • The Museum was mentioned on a UK television program. If anyone has any specifics, please let me know.
  • The Museum was listed in May 1996 issue of PC Novice magazine, complete with a very nice description. PC Novice has also published a nice fat issue indexing loads of sites, including the Museum.
  • The Museum was also listed in the October 1995 issue of Net User magazine. (Robert Williams was kind enough to send me a copy. Thanks Robert!) They gave this site 4 stars out of a possible 5 and said nice things!
  • The Museum was mentioned in "Model T's of the Information Age" in the February 26, 1996 issue of Forbes magazine. (They made me sit through a 4 hour photo session, and then never used the photos. Steve sure ain't gettin' my vote!)
  • The Museum was mentioned briefly in an article in the Baltimore Sun by Jay Apperson on October 9, 1995. This article was reprinted in the Seattle Times on October 22, 1995, and in the Queens, NY edition of Newday on December 5, 1995.
  • The Museum was examined in greater detail in the excellent "Classic Gadgets", published in the Hampton Roads Daily Press by Glenn Gaslin on November 5, 1995.
  • The Museum would have been mentioned in the book Secrets of the Webmasters by Charles Deemer. It was supposed to be available September 1995. However, various internal problems at the publisher will probably prevent it from ever being released.
    Secrets of the Webmasters That's me in the upper-left corner.

How do I get my old so-and-so computer into the Museum?

Simple! Just send me a picture of it along with a description. The description can be as technical or as casual as you like. It's usually better to e-mail the description to me. If you have a scanner, you can e-mail a scanned GIF or JPG of the picture. Or mail the picture itself, and I'll scan it and mail it back to you. My mailing address is:

Tom Carlson
National Center for State Courts
300 Newport Avenue
Williamsburg, VA 23185

Why isn't there an entry for the old so-and-so computer?

Because you haven't sent me a picture and description of yours.

Will you buy my old so-and-so computer?

No. (Sorry, I work for a non-profit, so I'm pretty poor. Well, maybe not poor. But I don't have piles of cash sitting around, either.)

Will you take my old so-and-so computer for free?

Probably. The big problem here is the cost of shipping. In many cases, I could probably find it locally for less than it would cost me to have you send it to me. But please ask, it might be something I need, or something too good to pass up.

Do you know where I can sell my old so-and-so computer?

Try an online auction.

Do you know where I can buy (parts for) an old so-and-so computer?


What does your apartment look like with all these computers underfoot?

Sort of like this, or this, or even this.

Are there any nude pictures of you available?

Sure, try this one!

Can I give you $10,000,000 so you can do this full time?

Sure! (Unless you're Bill Gates. Well, okay, even if you're Bill.)

What's the secret to happiness?

The secret to happiness is to always be expecting something in the mail. It doesn't matter what, as long as it's something you would look forward to receiving. Silly zines are good. So are orders from mail-order catalogs.

Where can I get good egg rolls?

Try the Que Viet Village House on Johnson in NE Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Aren't the "egg rolls" at the Que Viet Village House actually spring rolls?

Yes, they are.

How are they able to get them to your table so fast?

I don't know. They're obviously made fresh. My guess is that, since virtually everyone orders some, they just keep making them constantly. So they've started your particular order before you even walk in the door.

What's in them?

I don't know.

What's in the dipping sauce?

Some sort of fish sauce, I think.

Any other information about the Que Viet Village House?

They seem to be the only business in the world that takes American Express, but doesn't take VISA or MasterCard. American Express is obviously missing an advertising opportunity here!

"The Que Viet Village House has the best egg rolls in the midwest. But bring your American Express. Because, while they only take a minute to bring out your egg rolls, they don't take VISA or MasterCard. American Express, it's everywhere you want to be."

This is certainly more convincing than those Jerry Seinfeld/American Express commercials!

Isn't this FAQ rather self-indulgent?

Yes, but it's not as bad as this.

Does anyone actually read down this far?

Oddly enough, many do. If you actually have, send me e-mail letting me know. (Sorry, no prize.)