Addressograph-Farrington 1680

Owner: Tom Copper
Location: Roxboro, NC

Tom Copper's Comments:

I found two of these computers at a Hamfest a couple of years ago and haven't been able to find out anything about them except what I have listed below. When I got home I discovered one of them had a disk in it with a copy of Whizwriter word processor and the system files on it. WHEW!

  • NEC Z80 CPU
  • CP/M ver. 1.0
  • RAM ?
  • Built in 8" x 3-1/2" green phosphor monitor
  • 1 serial port, 1 parallel port and 1 centronics port (50 contacts)
  • 2 5-1/4 FDD, 180 track DS/DD (vertical side by side)
  • Newest date found on it anywhere is February 1983.
  • Made in Japan for Addressograph-Farrington, Inc., Randolph Industrial Park, Randolph, Mass.

Any help to further identify this computer and how it was used will be greatly appreciated. Any software, manuals, peripherals or literature will be welcome as well.

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