This file is integral part of MemoDay software (either on disk or by internet). All rights reserved. License Agreement. You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by Paideia s.r.l. your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. This agreement is under the laws of the Italian government. - I am a person that in the present conditions of law in my country can subscribe the following license contract for the use of software MemoDay - under my responsability I say and subscribe that this contract of license between me and Paideia is fully compatible with the laws of my country - I agree that : 1)the software inside the disk belongs to Paideia s.r.l. 2)It is not allowed to me to : A)distribute this disk without this file B)to modify the contents of the disk (software MemoDay and read me first ) C)to open or disassemble the software D)to distribute the software in internet from sites or domains, E)to copy the images, shapes, pieces of software for any purpose F)to use for any commercial purpose the names : MemoDay, Virtual Concept Productions G)to use for any commercial purpose Memoday software 3)it is allowed to me to: A)to distribute as many copies I want via floppy disks or personal e-mail without any limitation, B) each copy has to be comprehensive of this file "Read me first" 4)Disclaimer of Warranty THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD OR GIVEN FREELY IN USE "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which MemoDay may be put, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER OR OF THE GIVER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE IF ANY. This version is distributed with WINZIP and is based on Microsoft Visual Basic 3, Windows 95 and Netscape so any stronger restriction of warranty from these Companies to Paideia is also valid for the final users. 5) for the date I accept the date of this file 6) This version is based on WINZIP, on Microsoft Visual Basic 3, Windows 95 and Netscape so any stronger restriction of copyright or licence etc. from these Companies to Paideia is also valid for the final users. ************* INSTRUCTIONS The activity of installation is possible only and only if the preceding license conditions have been fully accepted. This disk contains software of type MemoDay.exe (unzipped name : MD*.exe) which can be used via installation done with these steps : - to launch "*.exe" into the disk - to give Ok to the messages TESTS - machine : Compaq, Pentium, 486, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.1 - it is strongly recommended to use a Pentium with 16 MEGA RAM, 2 MEGA graphic device,166 MHz clock. - needs : 3 mega hard disk space HINTS - you can have as many copies as you want of desktop calendars exe files contained in MemoDay but you need only a copy of the libraries that are the same for all exe files (there are a lot of different shapes : try them) - if you want to delete the entire MemoDay environment you just need to erase the MemoDay directory and you don't need anything else (no embedding : settings, DLLs, and stuff of this type, all is in MemoDay ) - if you want to know what is going on just connect to, open the memo window and click on the black box with memoday (you need Netscape) PROBLEMS - characters too small : change settings of screen - Netscape starts, then starts connect application and it is hidden back to Netscape : save the password login - I have Windows 3.1 how can I connect ? You have to upgrade to Windows 95. - I have a message "sorry your license is expired", why ? This release of MemoDay is active for 1997-1998 only, check and change your system date. - I have Windows 3.1, and I have messages of type out of memory : you may have already part of libraries : copy all *.dll files and also copy ole2.reg and *.vbx files in c:\memoday in some other directory, then delete these files from c:\memoday. If things are ok delete the files you have copied, reset the computer. - Netscape starts I have the page with the applet running but doesn't give me connection when I try to connect : start control panel choose internet and double click on it choose connection options set connect when needed give ok and close all - Netscape is slow on load : maybe you are using version 4, try 3. INFO - this release is for 1998-1999, if go through the application it stops on January and December, when year changes it allows you to go through the new year too, all notes of the preceding year that you wrote are not destroyed. To see them just change year on control panel.