EditPlus 1.22 Vendor Information ================================ Copyright © 1998-1999 ES-Computing http://www.editplus.com/ This file contains information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, BBS SYSOPs and any one who wants to distribute the evaluation version of EditPlus. Please see LICENSE.TXT for distribution license. Application Name: EditPlus Version: 1.22 Release Date: 26-Jan-99 Platform: Windows 95/98/NT Price: $20 Registration Status: Shareware Eval Period: 30 days Application Home Page: http://www.editplus.com/ Application Location: http://www.editplus.com/dn.cgi?epp122.zip ScreenShot Location: http://www.editplus.com/img/editplus.gif Icon Location: http://www.editplus.com/eppicon.gif Company Name: ES-Computing Contact Name: Sangil Kim Contact E-Mail: sangil@editplus.com Short Description: EditPlus Text/HTML Editor for Windows Long Description: An Internet-ready, 32-bit text/HTML editor for Windows. While it can serve as a good replacement for Notepad, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers. It has powerful syntax highlighting for HTML, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, Java, C/C++ and any other programming languages, based on the default syntax files or user-defined syntax files, for both the screen display and the printing. Internet features include a seamless Web browser for previewing HTML contents and Java applets without leaving the editor, highlighting and activating URLs and e-mail addresses, an HTML toolbar for common HTML tags with a color picker, a character picker and a table generator. Other features include custom tools with an output window, auto-completion for common phrases, cliptext, column selection, powerful search and replace, a spell checker, customizable keyboard shortcuts, column markers, and much more... All packed into a compact 1 MB download. Search Keyword: editplus,syntax,highlighting,notepad,html,perl,java,asp, javascript,vbscript,text,editor,c,cpp,programming