A while back, it was about a year ago, I think it was, I had this apartment in San Francisco, I lived on the third floor in this little tiny apartment building, had a little two rooms and a dog, right. I lived on the third floor and I used to walk around town and I had, you know, a couple of pairs of Levis and a couple T-shirts and I thought I had my shit pretty good together, man. You know I was out on the streets talking and talking, doing all that shit, and every time I found a nice piece of talent he went right straight downstairs to the chick on the second floor, there was another chick on the second floor, right. And I couldn't understand, I couldn't understand, I kept thinking, Janis, why are you doing wrong suddenly ? Well I so decided to get up one morning, ha ha ha, and check out the chick's action, right, figure out what she had going that I didn't have going. I got up at 9:30 in the morning, which I want you to know is an effort on my part. And I got up at 9:30 in the morning, I hid in the stairwell right next to the chick's across from her apartment, right. And I watched her and watched to see what she had, man, that I didn't have. And I'll tell you what she had man, that chick hit the streets at noon. I mean I didn't use to get up till three. That chick was already in the street hustling, man. So I figured out what you gotta do, man. Every time you're looking for a little piece of action and you ain't getting none, man, you know what you better do, baby, you better try harder, man.

Try (Just a Little Bit Harder)

Try, try, try just a little bit harder
So I can love, love, love him, I tell myself
'Cause I'm gonna try, oh yeah, just a little bit harder
So I won't lose, lose, lose him to nobody else, yeah.
Hey, I don't care how long it's gonna take ya
But if it's a dream I don't want   No I don't really want it
Yeah if it's a dream I don't want nobody to wake me.

Yeah I'm gonna try, oh yeah, just a little bit harder
So I can give, give, give, give him every bit of my soul.
I'm gonna try, oh yeah, just a little bit harder
So I can show, show, show him love with no control, yeah.
Hey! I don't care how long it's gonna take ya
But if it's a dream I don't want
   No I don't really want it
Yeah if it's a dream I don't want nobody to wake me.
Hey, dig it! Yeah! Yeah yeah yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.

Try oh yeah, hey, try oh yeah, Lord, Lord, Lord,
Try oh yeah, try oh yeah, Lord, Lord, Lord,
Try oh yeah yeah, try, whoa, try oh yeah, Lord, Lord, Lord,
Push, work, push, work, oh yeah, try, oh yeah hey!
Try oh yeah, hey try oh yeah,
Try Lord, try, try, you ain't trying man
You're not trying out man, come up with it.
Come on, that's a wanker that listens to words, man.
Hey you gotta work all night
Hey little girl, gotta push on
You gotta need
Work a little more, hey, try a little more,
Need a little more
Yeah, work on, push on, move on, move on,
You gotta work for it, you gotta work on it
Push on, need on, move on,
Move on, hey hey hey.

Work it daddy,
Work it daddy,
Come on, work it daddy, oh
Yeah, yeah, you better try, try, try, try a little more
You ain't never gonna get any man if that's the sort of thing you can do.
Shit, there's lot more talent around than that man.
Try, try, try, try try try,
You've gotta try, try, try, try,
Try, try, try, try, try, try...
You gotta try, try, try, try...
Lord, try, try, try, try,
Lord, try, try, try, try,
Hey, try, try, try, try,

Hey, try oh yeah, try oh yeah, Lord, Lord, Lord
Try oh yeah, hey, try whoa, try oh yeah
Try oh yeah, Lord, Lord, Lord, try oh yeah
Try oh yeah, hey, hey, hey,
Try oh yeah, try oh yeah,
Lord, Lord, Lord, oh Lord.

And don't you forget!

Janis Joplin!

Boy they're incredible.

Quiet, quiet!
