Will you stay living in Blackburn while you play for Manchester United?

No, we have just found a new house in Wilmslow and we're moving there shortly. It is better for Hilde to be nearer to the girlfriends of the other Norwegians at the club.

How Is life In England?

Lovely I have been enjoying my time here. On the footballing side, things have gone well and that is important. My family are happy here as well, we are settled.

Is there anything you think is strange about the English way of life?

Not really, life in England is quite similar to how we live in Norway. I guess that is one of the reasons why Norwegian players settle so quickly when they come over here.

What do you miss most about Norway?

Nothing really, except our friends and family. I go to Norway regularly to meet up with the national team, so there's nothing I really get to miss. Again, life in England is not very differ-ent. And we get Norwegian newspapers and watch Norwegian TV via our satellite dish.

Are you married?

Yes, I have been married to Hilde for two years. We have been together for much longer; she moved to England with me five years ago. We have an 11-month-old son, William.

When you finish your career In England, will you go back to live in Norway?

Definitely, yes. We want our son William to grow
up in Norway and we have roots there with family and old friends.

What Is your favorite music?

I listen to a lot of different music. It's difficult to pinpoint any particular favorites, as there are so many. Since I came over to England I've listened to a number of English bands which are brilliant although unknown in Norway I don't buy lots of CDs but I listen to the radio a lot during the day.

What Is your favorite food?

Again, no particular preferences. But I enjoy a good meal, whether it is at home with Hilde or going out to a restaurant.

And TV?

I watch a lot. My favorites would probably be sports programs, football matches...

What's the last film you went to see?

I remember that vividly, because it was yesterday. We don't go to the cinema often as we need a baby sitter for William But we did go last night and it turned out to be the worst film I have ever seen It was Speed 2, I usually prefer action films, but this one was horrendous.

And your favorite book?

I rarely read books, and when I do it's usually fiction or crime books. I like Jan Guilluo, a Swedish writer. I think I have read most of his works.

What other sports do you play?

When I was younger I used to go skiing a lot and at school I specialized in sports so I played a lot of different things.

When did you get your first pair of football boots?

Oh, my memory is letting me down again! I started playing for a team when I was seven or eight years old, so it must have been around that time.

Best Christmas present ever received?

Here we go again... I haven't a clue, don't remember... (thinks long and hard) Possibly a car racing track when I was a little kid.

Who was your childhood football hero?

No one in particular, actually. United was my favorite club but I didn't have any indi-vidual heroes. There were many good United players around, like Steve Coppell, Bryan Robson and later Jesper Olsen, but I wouldn't say they were my heroes.

What annoys you about other people?

I am a very tolerant and nice person, so I can put up with almost anything. I don't get easily worked up.

How do you relax?

By doing as little as possible. Since we had William, I have found that playing with him is great relaxation. Otherwise I just listen to music or watch the TV

Describe yourself in five words.

That's too many! Can we keep it down to two or three? Hmmm, I am probably honest, single-minded (when it come to football) and a quite kind person. Those three are enough!

What's your advice for young footballers who want to make it to professional?

Don't think too much about your ambitions. Instead, concentrate on developing your skills, enjoying football. If you can improve your shooting, tackling and dribbling enough while having fun, then maybe you'll make it

What's your best moment in football so far?

Winning the League with Blackburn in 1995 must be the best. And qualifying for the World Cup with Norway then beating Mexico in the first match.


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