plastic arts

hokney.gif (3859 octets) new
David Hockney, Espace/Paysage

1999. 29 x 25.5 cm, 120 b/w illustr., 45 colour illustr.
Joint publication Centre Georges Pompidou-RMN.
Price: 220 FF. (33,54
euro.gif (58 octets) ) ISBN 2 84426 015 2

Presenting fifty or so works dating from the 1960s to today, this book seeks to present the landscape painting which since recently has been at the heart of David Hockney's research.
Three major categories can be identified within these works.
From the beginning of the 1960s until the middle of the 1970s, from the dialogue – however ironic and futile it may have been – he established with formalist American painting to the close relations his art developed with a form of Hyper Realism, David Hockney's landscapes are marked by a concern for rigorous flatness.
In 1973, Kerby, an interpretation of a frontispiece engraved by William Hogarth for a manual intended for apprentice perspectivists, led him to again pose the problem of illusionist treatment of space. The double portraits of the end of the 1970s are a direct result of those questions, animated as they are by complex spaces.
A little later, in the middle of the 1980s, his practise of photography revealed to Hockney the expressive potentials in multiplying viewing points and inverse perspective.
As far as landscape is concerned, a third stage in Hockney's research opens with his abstract works painted at the end of the 1980s (Very New Paintings). From his work on opera decor he created pictures with alternating concave and convex spaces. Applied to a more directly figurative form of landscape, this research converged in the views of Yorkshire countryside that Hockney painted during the summer of 1998.
Authors: Didier Ottinger, Kay Heymer, GΘrard Wacjman, Marco Livingstone.

duchamp-villon.GIF (4917 octets) new

1998. 22 x 28 cm, 160 pp, 90 b/w illustr., 55 colour illustr.
Joint publication Centre Georges Pompidou-RMN.
Price: 190 FF (28,97
euro.gif (58 octets) ). ISBN 2 85850 950 6

A journey through the works of Raymond Duchamp-Villon based on the collections in the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Rouen Fine Arts Museum.
Sculptures, drawings and archives from these two places, to rediscover the author of the Horse who, although considered one of the pioneers of modern sculpture, is paradoxically still little known.
The sculptures presented in chronological order enable you to follow the artistic development of Duchamp-Villon and will be completed at the end of the catalogue by an in-depth study of each one.

50-especes.GIF (3092 octets) new
Cinquante espΦces d'espaces

[Fifty sorts of space]
1998. 22 x 28 cm, 144 pp, 120 illustr. b/w, 50 illustr. color.
Joint publication Centre Georges Pompidou/RMN.
Price : 190 FF (28,97 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN 2 85850 704 X

What is meant here by space? What kind of space does it refer to?
These installations created between 1960 and 1992 seek to show the evolution in classical ideas on "painting" and "sculpture", as well as the adaptations necessary for exhibition staging and museology. Artists, works, spaces and spectators are confronted with new ideas on mobility and immobility; sound installations, plays on light and shade, video, electronics and computing have abolished the frontiers which circumscribed works of art and are determining new mental, psychological and cultural spaces. The space a work needs in order to exist is demanding a new place in the work of art: it modifies circulation around the work, invites you to move about inside it, isolates or separates the elements so as to invite discovery of new perceptions.
Study by VΘronique Goudinoux; interview of Corinne Diserens by Benjamin Buchloh.
Among the artists presented are: Bruce Naumann, Yves Klein, Lucio Fontana, Mike Kelley, Mona Hatoum, etc.

leda.gif (3504 octets) Leda. Carnet de l'Atelier Brancusi
[Leda. Notes from the Brancusi Studio]
1998. 15 x 21 cm, 80 pp, 60 illustr. b/w.
Price : 65 FF (9,91 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN 2 85850 985 9

In the context of the exhibitions centred around the Brancusi legacy – on the theme of series and one-off works –, the second volume of notes from the Brancusi Studio is devoted to Leda, with the unique bronze conserved by the artist until the end of his life occupying a special position.
The contents include:
. Introduction by Marielle Tabart, giving the history of the work and its presentation in the studios of Impasse Ronsin.
. The Leda bronze, a unique piece, by Alexandra Parigoris.
. Leda between myth and reality, by Do∩na Lemny.
. Leda in question, by Sidney Geist.
. An exhaustive list of the artist's original photos on the subject that formed part of the legacy and a bibliography.

Pierre Alechinsky. Au pays de l'encre

1998. 20 x 24 cm, 96 pp, 116 illustr. 26 color plates
Coll. Carnets de dessins.
Price : 140 FF (21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN 2 85850 949 2

The book reproduces more than one hundred drawings (from the early 1950's to the middle of the 1990's) selected from two donations made by Pierre Alechinsky to the MusΘe national d'art moderne, including thirty or more colour plates.
The catalogue begins with an introductory text by Claire Stoullig, Curator of the etchings and engravings department in the Rath Museum in Geneva. It continues with a choice of texts by Alechinsky concerning his graphic works and ends with a brief interview with the artist.

Jean-Pierre Raynaud. Un jardinier dans la ville
1998. 22 x 28 cm, 148 pp, 28 illustr. b/w, 92 illustr. color
Joint publication Centre Georges Pompidou/Actes Sud/Fondation Cartier

Price: 189 FF ( 28,81euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN 2 7427 1576 2

For the artist, filling a flowerpot with concrete and painting the entire result red was, in 1962, the radical gesture that enabled him to make a statement about his artistic identity. This was an action in line with others taken by New Realists in the early 1960's. The "Pot of Gold", created especially for the grounds of the Cartier Foundation which was then in Jouy en Josas, has been placed, for a few weeks, on the Piazza at the Centre Georges Pompidou, after having been on show in Berlin and Beijing. The work retraces his "wanderings" through an interview with the artist, a text by Nicolas Bourri and a comic strip by Moebius.

Au fil du trait. De Matisse α Basquiat

1998. 22 x 28 cm, 160 pp, 117 illustr. b/w, 63 illustr. color.
Joint publication Centre Georges Pompidou/CarrΘ d'art de Nεmes.

Price : 160 FF (24,39 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN 2 85820 960 3

This publication accompanied the exhibition organised during the summer at the CarrΘ d'art in Nεmes. The "portrait" of the graphic art collection, containing drawings by contemporary artists as well as major classics, includes nine sections, each preceded by a short introduction: Nature, Eros, the absolute, pain, joy, figure and face, written word, Kupka, and Kandinsky. The biographies of the artists and the list of works being exhibited are of particular interest. This work is an opportunity to show the diversity of the graphic art section.

La Collection du Centre Georges Pompidou. Un parcours au MusΘe d'art moderne de la ville de Paris
[The Centre Georges Pompidou Collection. A visit of the Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris]
Edited by Didier Ottinger.
1998. 12,5 x 16,5 cm, 80 pp 35 illustr. color
Joint publication Centre Georges Pompidou/Paris MusΘes.
Price : 39 FF ( 5,95 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN 2 85850 989 1

This book proposes a reading of 20th-century creation through the major works which have marked it.
FrΘdΘric ValabrΦgue's essay – an explorative wandering that can be taken up at any point – highlights the pictorial sensations of this century, the pivots of which are colour and medium, air and earth, light and darkness. In chronological order and within well-defined categories, the two opposing aspirations that dominate the century are evoked here: that of harmony, clarity and transparency and that which depends on an anchoring in the earth, the flesh or reality.
Lastly, this essay which follows the path of a visit to the exhibition underlines the contradiction or ambivalence of this 20th century, praised by some for its social progress and technological developments and attributed with an additional awakening of the conscience, but for others remaining indelibly stamped with barbarity, regression and extreme violence.

Les Carnets de l'Atelier Brancusi
La Colonne sans fin

[Notes from the Brancusi Studio
Endless Column]

1998. 21 x 15 cm. 80 pp. 60 monochrome illustrations.
Price: 65 FF ( 9,91euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN 2 85850 984 0

The column first appears as a motif in the Brancusi studio in 1917. The columns, often made of wood, were initially unfinished and used as supports for works before gradually becoming large works in their own right in which the rhythm of the modules varied according to their size. Constantin Brancusi produced one of his largest columns in Romania in 1938.

Les annΘes Supports-surfaces dans les collections du MusΘe national d'art moderne

[The Supports-Surface Years in the MusΘe national d'art moderne Collection]
1998. 240 pp., 80 b/w illus., 80 color, 23.5 x 30 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Galerie du Jeu de Paume
Price: 240 FF (36,59 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 665 5.

Supports-Surfaces - a group of French painters who, in reaction to the School of Paris, sought to show that painting was still possible at the end of the 1960s but only after a radical reworking of the pictorial means. Thirty years later, it seems important to situate these artists in a historical perspective and consider their relationship to contemporary painting.
This catalogue, published in conjunction with the "Outside the Walls" exhibition at the Jeu du Paume, includes an annotated chronology, a bibliography, and a list of works presented.

Max Ernst : sculptures, maisons, paysages
[Max Ernst, Sculptures, Houses, Landscapes]
Edited by Werner Spies.
1998. 360 pp., 180 b/w illus., 125 plates including 25 in color,
23.5 x 28.5 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and DuMont.
Price: 240 FF (36,59 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 982 4

Max Ernst's interest in sculpture was concentrated over a limited number of periods that were nonetheless extremely productive. His first sculptures date from 1934-1935, following his stay with Alberto Giacometti in Majola. But from the 1920s through the 1970s, from Paul Eluard's home in Eaubonne to the house where Ernst finally settled in Seillans, he continuously surrounded himself with objects, paintings, and sculptures.
This abundantly illustrated catalogue, which accompanies the major exhibition of Ernst's sculpture at the Centre Georges Pompidou, includes 5 major essays by specialists in the field, as well as extensive biographical and bibliographical information.

Matisse dans les collections du MusΘe national d'art moderne
[Matisse in the MusΘe national d'art moderne Collection]
1998. 120 pp., 100 b/w illus., 60 color, 22 x 28 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and the RMN
Price: 140 FF ( 21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 946 8

A presentation of Matisse's paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, and illustrated books grouped in chronological sequences. Each work is accompanied by a technical description including essential bibliographical references.
Published in conjunction with the "Outside the Walls" exhibition at the MusΘe des Beaux-Arts in Lyons, this catalogue includes the Centre's latest acquisitions of Matisse's works.

Kandinsky dans les collections du MusΘe national d'art moderne
[Kandinsky in the Collections of the MusΘe national d'art moderne]
1998. 166 pp., 60 b/w illus., 60 color, 22 x 28 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and the RMN.
Price: 220 FF (33,54 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 945 X

A work produced for the exhibition held in the MusΘe des Beaux-Arts (Art Gallery) in Nantes. Thanks to recent scientific analysis of the artist’s two palettes, R. Wackernagel, one of the leading experts as regards the material aspects of Kandinsky’s works, reveals for the first time, supporting his arguments with documents from the archives, a few of the jealously guarded secrets of the artist’s "pictorial cuisine". Christian Derouet analyses the artist’s involvement in an exhibition organised in Angers in 1907 by the painter A. MΘrodack-Jeaneau. The literary activity of the author of Concerning the Spiritual in Art, which is more than a complement to his pictorial work, is described by Jean-Claude MarcadΘ. The emphasis is placed on Kandinsky’s highly innovative work for the theatre and on the pioneering and unique character of the poetry produced by the artist. A selection of previously unpublished prose poems accompanies the essay. Finally, the bibliography of the artist, by Marion Ackermann, is richly illustrated with previously unpublished photographs.

Abstractions France 1940-1965
1997. 136 pp., 84 b/w illus., 60 color. 22 x 28 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and the RMN
Price: 190 FF (28,97 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 939 5

A reading of the French art scene from 1941 to 1965--lyrical abstraction, Art Informel, art "autre," the New School of Paris, Tachism--based on the collections of the Centre Georges Pompidou.

avarice.gif (5721 octets) Les PΘchΘs capitaux. L'Avarice
[The "Deadly Sins": Greed]
1997. 72 pp. 10 monochrome illus., 15 x 21 cm.
Price: 59 FF ( 8,99 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 915 8

GΘrard Wajcman, psychoanalyst, goes through the canonical texts of his discipline to shed light on retentive gestures and their applications to miserly behavior, whether in the case of John Q. Public or that of the contemporary artist. RΘgine Detambel evokes the "miserly" logic of the literary group Oulipo with its rigorous rules deliberately limiting the number of letters with which the writer decides to fashion his or her work. In short, self-proclaimed greed as an active principle of literary creation.

L'Atelier Brancusi. La collection
[Brancusi's Studio. The Collection]
Catalogue raisonnΘ. Edited by Marielle Tabart.

1997. 288 pp., 45 b/w and 107 color illus., 23.5 x 30 cm.
Price: 280 FF (42,69 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 929 8

Bequeathed to the French government in 1956, Brancusi's studio has undergone two reconstitutions, in the Palais de Tokyo in 1962 and at the Centre Georges Pompidou in 1977. Since January 1997, it has been open to the public in the renovated architectural setting designed by Renzo Piano. A total of 144 of Brancusi's sculptures, 86 bases and sculpted supports, over a dozen molds, 38 drawings, some 1,600 photographs focusing on the artist's work as a sculptor, an impressive library and a large record collection all attest to the wide-ranging interests of this pioneer of modern sculpture.

L'Atelier Brancusi

[Brancusi, the Album]
1997. 72 pp., 15 b/w illus., 48 color, 20 x 24 cm
Price: 70 FF ( 10,67 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 914 X

Just before his death in 1957, Constantin Brancusi bequeathed all the works and other objects in his studio (furniture, tools, books, records) to the French government on the condition that it create a space within the MusΘe national d'art moderne where the studio would be completely reconstituted for the public. The sculptor's wish was fulfilled when the museum was housed in the Palais du Tokyo and then at the Centre Georges Pompidou until when water damage in the studio necessitated its closing in 1990. A third reconstitution, designed by Renzo Piano, has now been completed.
Texts by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, Germain Viatte, and Marielle Tabard, plus an interview with Renzo Piano.

La Collection du MusΘe national d'art moderne 1986-1996
[The Collection of the MusΘe national d'art moderne, 1986-1996]
Edited by AgnΦs Angliviel de la Beaumelle et Nadine Pouillon.
1997. 380 pp., 300 color illus., 100 b/w. Hardcover, 23.5 x 30 cm.
Price: 400 FF (60,98euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 908 5

Complementing an earlier catalogue on the historical part of the collection that appeared in 1986, this second volume reflects the museum's commitment to contemporary creation via its acquisitions, donations, and dations. Included are entries on 215 artists (in alphabetical order) and nearly 400 illustrated works of art (with descriptions prepared by the museum curators), a historical and stylistic survey, plus a concise bibliography.

De Klein α Warhol
[From Klein to Warhol]
1997. 224 pp., 90 b/w illus., 133 color. 22 x 28 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and the RMN
Price: 220 FF (33,54 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 940 9

A Franco-American comparison of New Realism and Pop Art drawing on the collections of the Mnam-Cci and the MusΘe d'art moderne et d'art contemporain in Nice.

Fernand LΘger
Edited by Christian Derouet et Isabelle Monod-Fontaine.

1997. 360 pp., 50 illus. b/w, 220 color, 28 x 28 cm.
Classiques du XXe SiΦcle series
Price: 320 FF (48,78 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 913 1

This book-catalogue, published on the occasion of the third major LΘger retrospective organized by the MusΘe national d'art moderne (1949, 1971, 1997), offers original points of view from authors who are not LΘger specialists but who situate the artist in their respective fields of interest, notably aesthetics, history, and ethnology. It also offers a series of close-ups on individual paintings in the form of brief, nonacademic essays written by art historians specializing in the work or the period.

L'Empreinte (out of print)
[The Imprint]
1997. 336 pp., 180 b/w illus., 120 color. 19 x 24 cm
ProcΘdures series
Price: 250 FF (38,11 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 9 03 4

In this century that is so closely associated with abstraction, Marcel Duchamp's molds and Picasso's assemblages, Max Ernst's rubbings, Yves Klein's body prints, and the photograms of Moholy-Nagy or Man Ray all attest to the artist's passion for direct contact with reality. This catalogue, prepared for the Centre's exhibition of the same name, explores the phenomenon of the imprint through some 200 works by 80 twentieth-century artists.

envie.gif (4887 octets) Les PΘchΘs capitaux. L'Envie
(The Deadly Sins : Envy)
1997. 72 pp., 15 b/w illus., 15 x 21 cm
Price : 59 FF (8,99 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN : 2 85850 934 4

To wrap up the series, a short story by Jean-Louis Giovanni and an essay by Eric Darragon, whose pursuit of Envy into the nooks and crannies of the artists' studios and the museums.

gourmandise.GIF (3953 octets) Les PΘchΘs capitaux. La Gourmandise
[The Deadly Sins : Gluttony]
1997. 72 pp., 14 b/w illus., 15 x 21 cm.
Price: 59 FF (8,99 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 887 9

Short story by Marie NDiaye, essay by food critic J. P. GenΘ.

luxure.gif (4467 octets) Les PΘchΘs capitaux. La Luxure
(The Deadly Sins : Lust)
1997. 80 pp., 12 b/w illus., 15 x21 cm.
Price: 59 FF (8,99 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 916 6

A partial inventory of Jean-Luc Hennig's "lustful bestiary, plus two Flaubertian characters who discover the world of lust in a modern-day remake by Jean-Yves Cendray. A methodical discovery, as it were, that takes them from porno magazines to sex shops, not to mention the fleeting pleasures of cybersex. A tale of depravation that concludes very morally with the horror of an exemplary punishment.

Les PΘchΘs capitaux. L'Orgueil
[The Deadly Sins : Pride]
1997. 72 pp., 15 b/w illus., 15 x 21 cm.
Price: 59 FF (8,99 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 933 6

A short story by Eric Holder and an essay by Jean-Didier Vincent.

Martial Raysse
1997. 96 pp., 44 b/w illus., 24 color. 20 x 24 cm.
Carnet de dessins series
Price: 140 FF (21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 904 2

Martial Raysse is a neo-Realist or a figurative painter; he is also a draughtsman. The gulf between these two practices, a gulf which considers the artist as a sort of renegade of modernity, is often criticised yet it is doubtless much narrower than it appeared until now. In its way, drawing helps to build bridges between the 1960’s and their apology for modern objects and the return to painting and subject matter.
For this artist, drawing is an area of research where an idea is worked out, where the gesture is accurate. By opening his collections of studies and sketch pads, the artist gives an insight into the special, privileged moment when a work of art first comes into being.

Jean-Jacques Rullier
L'oeuvre incomplΦte
[Jean-Jacques Rullier, the Incomplete Works]
1997. 48 pp. plus 8-page insert, 40 color illus. 20 x 24 cm.
Carnet de dessins series
Price: 140 FF (21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 917 4

With the methodic diligence of a veritable encyclopedist, Jean-Jacques Rullier pursues the task of "inventorying the insignificant." Drawing is the tool that allows him to classify, describe, and memorize, and he works in series and collections that are as likely to include dreams and visions as outdoor scenes, plans of churches, or domestic interiors. Fascinated with images, especially those that evoke childhood (ads, labels, anatomical drawings, games), he uses the precise, minutely detailed stroke of the color drawing to capture the poetry of the everyday in all its charm and humor.

Didier Trenet
Le jardin de ma mΦre, Θtudes et ruines
[Didier Trenet, My Mother's Garden, Studies and Ruins]
1997. 72 pp., 13 color illus., 20 b/w. 20 x 24 cm.
Carnets de dessins series.
Price: 140 FF (21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 285850 918 2

A large selection of unpublished sketchbook pages, plus watercolors
and chalk drawings done for the artist's 1997 exhibition at the Mnam-Cci.

Francis Bacon
Edited by David Sylvester et de Fabrice Hergott.
1996. 372 pp., 250 b/w and 2-color illus., 130 color. 28 x 28 cm.
Price: 370 FF (56,41euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 881 X

Francis Bacon, born in Dublin in 1909, was a self-taught artist and a loner. During a brief stay in Paris, where he worked as an interior decorator, he was marked by a 1927 exhibit of Picasso's paintings, but it was only in 1944, after his first large triptych, Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, that painting became the center of his life. In the early 1950s, he did portraits of friends (Lucian Freud, Isabel Rawsthorne, George Dyer, etc.) from life and then from photographs. The studies of the human body that he developed in series were based on Muybridge's photographs of figures in motion. A succession of exhibits throughout the world brought him recognition as one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century.
This is the most extensive Bacon catalogue ever assembled in France. It includes several previously unpublished essays that shed new light on this unsettling body of work as well as a selection of little-known critical texts and a chronology of the painter's life.

Miquel Barcel≤
1996. 176 pp. 100 b/w illus., 80 color.
Jointly published by the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume.
Price: 285 FF (43,45 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 908901 447

Conceived by the artist as a kind of journal, this unusual book-catalogue brings together his own writings, interviews, and texts by writers and poets that he considers close to his own work, as well as biographical and bibliographical information.

Victor Brauner dans les collections du MusΘe national d'art moderne
[Victor-Brauner in the Collections of the MusΘe national d'art moderne]
Edited by Didier Semin
1996. 144 pp., 150 b/w ilus., 50 color.
Price: 180 FF (27,44 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 864 X

A catalogue raisonnΘ of the works of Victor-Brauner acquired by the Centre Georges Pompidou through Madame Jacqueline Victor-Brauner's donations and bequests to the French government between 1974 and 1985.

Luciano Fabro
1996. Bilingual (French, English).
336 pp., 150 b/w illus., 53 color. 16.5 x 21 cm.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 200 FF (30,49 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 856850 891

A survey of the rich and complex work of this Italian artist (b. 1936) who was close to the Arte Povera movement in the 1960s.

Face α l'histoire, 1933-1996
L'Artiste moderne devant l'ΘvΘnement historique
[In the Face of History, 1933-1996. The Modern Artist Before the Historical Event]
Edited by Jean-Paul Ameline et Harry Bellet.
1996. 620 pp. 154 color illus., 433 b/w. Hardbound.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and Flammarion
Price: 420 FF (64,03 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 898 4

How does the modern artist look at the major political events of the last half-century ? In an attempt to address this question, Face α l'histoire juxtaposes the major events of the past sixty years (the rise of totalitarianisms, international and civil wars, political crises) with works of art giving visual form to the upheavals of the century and expressing the issues that have dominated it.
Whether this art reflects a political commitment or, conversely, distance and doubt, is less important than the richness of the paths it opens, insofar as the comparison of works inspired by the same aesthetic and political need helps us to see how our century has judged itself through its forms of representation.
The catalogue is organized around four main chronological sections and includes contributions by historians, philosophers, art historians, and also contemporary artists, all of whom have attempted in their own ways to define aspects of the relations between art and history in the twentieth century.

L'Informe : mode d'emploi
[The Formless: A User's Manual]
AUthors : Rosalind Kraus and Yve-Alain Bois
1996. 252 pp., 120 b/w illus., 100 color.
ProcΘdures series.
Price: 250 FF (38,11 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 839 9

A four-part manual interpreting and reinterpreting modernism and contemporary art through the prism of this concept defined by Georges Bataille in 1929 as, "A word whose task is to declassify, to undo logical, compartmental thought, and to cancel the oppositions on which this thought is based (figure and ground, form and matter, form and content, interior and exterior, masculine and feminine, etc.).

peches-capitaux.GIF (1936 octets) Les PΘchΘs capitaux. L'Introduction
[The "Deadly sins" : Introduction]
1996. 56 pp., 15 x 21 cm
Price: 49 FF (7,47 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 888 7

Overviews of "evil" in modern art (Didier Ottinger, exhibition curator) and twentieth-century relations between art and morals (Michel Onfray).

colere.gif (4657 octets) Les PΘchΘs capitaux. La ColΦre
[The Deadly Sins : Anger]
1996. 68 pp., 8 b/w illus., 15 x 21 cm.
Price: 59 FF (8,99 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 889 5

Texts by Michel Mafessoli and Franτois Bon, with original drawings by Arman reinterpreting each of the phases of his historical fits of anger.

paresse.gif (4678 octets) Les PΘchΘs capitaux. La Paresse
[The Deadly Sins : Sloth]
1996. 76 pp., 5 b/w illus, 15 x 21 cm.
Price: 59 FF (8,99 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 886 0

Texts by Raoul Vaneigem and Jacques SΘrΘna, a series of photographs by Jean Le Gac and an inset designed by Claude Rutault.

cragg.gif (3606 octets) Tony Cragg sculptures (out of print)
1996. Bilingual (French, English).
320 pp. 100 b/w illus., 52 color.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 200 FF (30,49 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 866 6

A study of the Liverpool-born sculptor (b. 1949) whose works go from a critical register questioning the nature of the medium to a more subjective, personal approach to form.

De Beuys α Trockel... Dessins contemporains du Kunstmuseum de BΓle
[From Beuys to Trockel. Contemporary Drawings from the Basel Kunstmuseum]
1996. 96 pp., 49 b/w illus., 26 color, 20 x 24 cm.
Carnets de dessins series.
Price: 140 FF (21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 883 6

The most recent acquisitions of the remarkable 300-year collection of the Basel Kunstmuseum's Graphic Arts Gallery, including works on paper by German artists such as Joseph Beuys, Georg Baselitz, A. R. Penck, Martin Dilser, and Rosemarie Trockel, the Italian artist Francesco Clemente, and the Americans Claes Oldenburg, Jonathan Borofsky, Bruce Nauman, Brice Marden, and Roni Horn.

Dessins : acquisitions 1992-1996
[Drawings: Acquisitions 1992-1996]
1996. 96 pp., 80 b/w illus., 23 color, 20 x 24 cm.
Carnets de dessins series.
Price: 140 FF (21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 0 85850 894 1

The Graphic Arts Gallery's recent acquisitions through gifts, purchases, and dations, including works by Ellsworth Kelly, Brice Marden, Louise Bourgeois, EugΦne Leroy, Eva Hesse, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, and Pierre Alechinsky.

Picabia, Galerie Dalmau 1922
1996. 96 pp., 30 b/w illus.
Carnets de dessins series.
Price: 140 FF  (21,34 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 879 8

The marriage of mechanical drawings and Spanish machines presented at Picabia's 1922 Galerie Delmau exhibit in Barcelona.

Sur Marcel Duchamp
[On Marcel Duchamp]
1996. 200 pp., 200 b/w illus., 7 color. 25 x 32 cm.
Price: 450 FF (68,6 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 285850 8 93 3

Facsimile of Robert Lebel's 1959 pioneering study, with Duchamp's original book design. Also includes a 12-page notebook of letters exchanged between the author and the artist.

Constantin Brancusi
Collective work: Margit Rowell, Ann Temkin, Friedrich Teja Bach, Co-publication Centre Georges Pompidou / Editions Gallimard
1995. 23.5 x 30 cm. 408 pp. 380 monochrome illustrations, 140 full colour plates and 50 two-colored plates.
Price: 390 FF (59,46 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 07 011503 8-A. 11503

This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition of the sculptor’s works in the Centre Georges Pompidou in 1995. It provides an extensive retrospective of his art: sculptures, drawings and photographs.

FΘminin-masculin, le sexe de l'art
[Feminine-Masculine, the Sex of Art]
Edited by Marie-Laure Bernadac et de Bernard MercadΘ.
1995. 400 pp., 635 b/w illus., 165 color.
Price: 390 FF (59,46 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 07 011520

A look at the ways that sexual difference functions in the work of twentieth-century artists, not only through opposition or complementarity between the feminine and the masculine but also through the various forms of male-female, matter-form, man-woman relations.

Ilya Kabakov
Edited byNadine Pouillon.
1995. 260 pp., 100 b/w illus., 170 drawings, 68 color illus.
Price: 300 FF (45,73 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 826 7

A retrospective of installations by this singular Russian artist.

Robert Morris
1995. Bilingual (French, English).
352 pp. 150 b/w illus., 50 color.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 200 FF (30,49 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 826 7

This precursor of Minimal Art and pioneer of Anti Form and Land Art, is both an artist and a theoretician. He has developed works with many meanings, firstly in the field of sculpture then in painting.

1995. 272 pp, 380 illustr.b/w, 95 illustr. color
Price : 320 FF (48,78 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN : 2 85850 818 6

Premier ouvrage d'importance sur ces deux artistes ; premier regard Θgalement sur un important fonds constituΘ par le MusΘe national d'art moderne et renforτΘ α la mort de Mme Larionov par la donation faite au Centre Georges Pompidou par l'Etat soviΘtique.

Kurt Schwitters
Edited by Serge Lemoine and Didier Semin.
1994. 400 pp., 360 b/w illus., 140 color.
Price: 390 FF (59,46 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 799 6

A chronological study tracing Schwitters' itinerary before Merz (1910-1919), through Dada (1919-1923) and Constructivism (1923-1930), and into exile (1930-1947), plus critical essays, a biography, and documents highlighting the innovative nature of one of the most original artists of our time.

GΘrard Gasiorowski
1994. 280 pp. plus CD (audio). 120 b/w illus., 45 color.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 250 FF (38,11euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 803 8

An artist who defied classification and indulged in every kind of style, Gasiorowski went so far as to undertake the decomposition of the pictorial phenomenon.

merz.gif (3758 octets) Marisa Merz
1994. Bilingual (French, English).
288 pp. 75 b/w illus., 47 color.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 200 FF (30,49 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 740 6

A unique survey of the drawings, sculptures, figurines, and installations of this Italian artist with roots in Arte Povera but who has since developed a distinctive approach of her own.

bruz.gif (3746 octets) Gⁿnter Brus
1993. Bilingual (French, English).
296 pp., 94 b/w illus., 46 color.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 200 FF (30,49 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 730 9

The author of a powerful corpus of graphic and literary works, Gⁿnter Brus is the fondator of " L' Actionnisme viennois" and the author of a spectaculary graphic and literaturish work.

dietman.gif (3691 octets) Erik Dietman
1993. Bilingual (French, English).
328 pp., 150 b/w illus., 45 color.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 200 FF (30,49 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 784 8

Swedish-born sculptor Eric Dietman, who has been living in France since 1960, works with the correspondence between language and incongruous assemblages of forms and materials.

matisse1904.GIF (6456 octets) Henri Matisse 1904-1917
Edited by AgnΦs de la Beaumelle.
1993. 524 pp., 150 b/w illus., 150 color.
Price: 350 FF (53,36 euro.gif (58 octets)) (hardcover). ISBN: 2 85850 705 8
150 FF (22,87 euro.gif (58 octets))  (paper). ISBN: 2 85850 838 0

Matisse during the seminal period when he overturned the traditional relations between line and color to develop the bases of his singularly new pictorial vision.

morley.gif (3308 octets) Malcom Morley
1993. Bilingual (French, English).
312 pp. 84 b/w illus., 44 color.
Contemporains/Monographies series.
Price: 200 FF (30,49 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 707 4

The first French study of one of the mythical figures of contemporary painting.

paris-paris.GIF (4505 octets) Paris-Paris 1937-1957
1992. 800 pp., 800 b/w illus., 125 color.
Jointly published by the Centre Georges Pompidou and Gallimard
Price: 150 FF (22,87 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 07 011 248 9

A look at a singular period of French cultural life marked by abstraction, Art Brut, Surrealism, and new forms of figurative art, plus the spread of film and television as well as the emergence of the Nouveau Roman, existentialism, and structuralism.

paris-berlin.GIF (5648 octets) Paris-Berlin 1900-1933
1992. 760 pp., 660 b/w illus., 56 color.
Jointly published by the Centre Georges Pompidou and Gallimard
Price: 150 FF (22,87 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 07 011 247 0

A lively survey of German cultural life through the prism of its parallel and often contradictory relations and non-relations with French art of the same period.

paris-moscou.GIF (6830 octets) Paris-Moscou 1900-1930
1991. 760 pp., 655 illus., incl. 145 color.
Jointly published by the Centre Georges Pompidou and Gallimard
Price: 150 FF (22,87 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 07 011225 X

The itinerary between Paris and Moscow reveals all the riches that, by interaction, attraction, or opposition, situate France and Russia in relation to one another.

paris-newyork.GIF (7094 octets) Paris-New York 1908-1968
1991. 920 pp., 600 b/w illus.
Jointly published by the Centre Georges Pompidou and Gallimard
Price: 150 FF (22,87 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 07 011224 1

Paris-New York, the expression of a vast and complex exchange between two cities, two continents, and the people who inhabit them. The history of this century is in large part a history of their exchanges.

breton.gif (5423 octets) AndrΘ Breton "La beautΘ sera convulsive"
[AndrΘ Breton, "Beauty Will Be Convulsive"]
Edited by AgnΦs de la Beaumelle et d'Isabelle Monod-Fontaine.
1991. 500 pp., 200 b/w illus., 200 color.
Price: 450 FF (68,6 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN: 2 85850 569 1

The most important work to date on the visual world of AndrΘ Breton, coupled with an extensive biography of the writer.

Andy Warhol, rΘtrospective
1990. 480 pp. 80 illustr. b/w, 325 illustr. color
Price (paper) : 430 FF (65,55 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN : 2 85850 544 6
Prix (hard cover) : 195 FF (29,73 euro.gif (58 octets)). ISBN : 2 85850 543 8

Warhol se sera illustrΘ comme le roi du Pop'Art en abordant le cinΘma, la vidΘo et l'Θdition. Ce livre favorise une meilleure comprΘhension de son univers et une apprΘciation de son influence sur l'art d'aujourd'hui.

Latest update 02.11.1999  ⌐ CNAC-GP