

Immemory One

de Chris Marker
1998. CD Rom, version franτaise PC et Macintosh
Prix conseillΘ : 295 FF. ISBN : 2 85850 947 6

Acteur et spectateur impliquΘ dans les rΘalitΘs sociales et politiques, dans tous les pays du globe pendant plus de 50 ans, il tente aujourd'hui de rΘunir les fragments du puzzle de sa vie sous forme de "zones" qui s'entrecroisent autour de thΦmes phares tels que le cinΘma, la mΘmoire, la guerre, les voyages...
Le support multimΘdia convient parfaitement au considΘrable patrimoine de l'artiste, dΘjα intΘressΘ dans ses rΘcents travaux par l'informatique et la non-linΘaritΘ.

Just from Cynthia
1997. Alberto Sorbelli.
French only, Macintosh
Price: 195 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 937 9. Bookstores: Union Distribution

Conceived and initiated by Alberto Sorbelli, "Just from . . ." was a nomadic collective of artists and others from a variety of backgrounds that produced this CD-ROM during a migratory period of two months and six days. In the course of an installation for the 1995 "W/Y" exhibition at the Centre Pompidou, "Just from . . ." became "Just from Cynthia" and gave rise to some 30 individual sequences probing the limits of mutlimedia technology and its interactivity.

ActualitΘ du virtuel/Actualizing the Virtual
1997. Bilingual english/french, PC/Mac.
Produced by the Centre Georges Pompidou in collaboration with the University of Paris 8.
Price: 240 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 923 9
Bookstores : Union Distribution.

An exploration of the creative uses of computer-generated images, virtual reality, hypermedia, and electronic networks presented by the Centre's New Technology unit known as the "Revue virtuelle" (Virtual Review).

La Collection du Centre Georges Pompidou
[The Centre Georges Pompidou Collection]
PC/Macintosh (french version)
1997 (French version), PC and Mac.Coproduced by the Centre Georges Pompidou and Infrogrames.
Published by Infogrames and Montparnasse Multimedia (France).
Suggested retail price: 349 FF.

Through a selection of 300 major works from the collections of the MusΘe d'art moderne-Centre de crΘation industrielle, this CD-ROM offers a 3-D voyage in a virtual museum inspired by the architecture of the Centre Georges Pompidou. Contextual links provide access to interactive segments on the main artistic movements, trends, and themes of the twentieth century.

Brancusi par Brancusi
[Brancusi by Brancusi]
1995. Coproduced by the Centre Georges Pompidou/Arborescence/Les Films d'Ici/RMN/Havas Edition Θlectronique
bilingual english : french, PC/Mac
Price: 350 FF. Distribution: Arborescence.
Producer: Philippe Degeorges.

The life and works of Brancusi seen through photographs of and by the artist, plus a catalogue of his sculptures and a biography.


La vie et l'oeuvre de Man Ray
In French only.
Video. Secam, color, 52 min.
Price: 139 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 986 7.
Pal ISBN 2 85850 991 3

This documentary film by Jean-Paul Fargier takes us on a fascinating voyage through Man Ray's art and craft. It shows his basic preocupation with represenation--notably that of the human body--his relations with the major artists of his time, and his key role in the aesthetic currents of this century.

Les films de Man Ray
Video (in french) : Secam, color, 110 min.
Video (in english) : Pal
Price: 139 FF.
Secam ISBN : 2 85850 979 4.

Pal ISBN : 2 85850 990 5
NTSC : 2 85850 995 6

An anthology of Man Ray's films, which have now been restored by the Centre Georges Pompidou, MusΘe national d'art moderne. In addition to the four films that he made in the historic context of Dada and Surrealism, the cassette includes all of the previously unscreened experiments that he undertook after his public retirement from filmmaking. Like home movies, these modest, personal films place friends such as Lee Miller, Meret Oppenheim, Ady Fidelin, Pablo Picasso, and Roland Penrose before the camera.

Fernand LΘger. Les motifs d'une vie
1997. 52 mn, video color. Secam.
Coproduced by Centre Georges Pompidou/RMN.
Distribution Le Seuil
Price : 139 FF.

L'artiste a impliquΘ sa peinture dans la rΘalitΘ sociale de son Θpoque. Evoquant aussi bien la vie quotidienne que le monde du travail, les objets mΘcaniques ou la ville, ses tableaux ont cΘlΘbrΘ les profondes mutations de notre temps.
RΘalisation : Alain Bergala, sur une musique de Richard Galliano.

Christian Boltanski, signalement
[Christian Boltanski, Signal]
1997. 113 min., color, Pal/Secam
Bookstore distribution: Union Distribution.
Price: 139 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 928 X.

If the works of Christian Boltanski have gradually been considered, since 1968, as some of the leading works of contemporary art, present in all the world’s great museums, they have too often been interpreted as mere childhood poetry.
Yet in 1984, Dominique Bozo saw the work functioning under the title of "The History of Stories" - rather more stories than history given that History with a capital "H" has cut a swathe through them with her "great axe" (G. Perec), rather more "comic playlets" given that tragedy (genocide) is the white source of our present.
This long interview gives a comprehensive insight into this essential preoccupation of the artist.

Constantin Brancusi, l'exposition
[Constantin Brancusi, the Exhibition]
1997. 32 min., color, Pal/Secam.
Price: 125 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 936 0. Bookstores: Union Distribution.

Co-curator Margit Rowell provides a commentary on the Brancusi retrospective presented at the Centre Georges Pompidou in 1996.

Serge Daney, le cinΘphile et le village
[Serge Daney, the Film Buff and the Village]
1996. 45 min., color, Pal/Secam.
A film by Pascal KanΘ
Coproduced by 13 Productions/Centre Georges Pompidou with support from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the CCSTI, Marseilles
Bookstore distribution: Union Distribution.
Price: 125 FF.

In this film (1991) Serge Daney discusses French television and the way it informs viewers, the models of behaviour and the social links it proposes, and its ability to take on board and integrate "others" into a system of values of which it remains the chief propounder. It is, then, the role that the television could, but does not, play that Serge Daney calls into question. His demand for truth and for a more open view of the world is based on his own history which he refers to here, the history of a man who has been trained by this century’s major art form - the cinema.
It is open to question whether the television of today is not gradually but finally forgetting its lessons.

Writing Workshops
A sery of interview's films with writers of today.

Coproduction Avidia/Centre Georges Pompidou with the participation of SociΘtΘ des Gens de Lettres. Diffusion en librairie : Union Distribution.
Film de 26 mn, Pal ou Secam

Screened without archives or soundtracks, the films show writers in their place of work, talking about their everyday approach to writing - language techniques, forms, choice of styles.
Writers are also shown working with their texts during public readings. From one writer to another, from one workshop to another, the series gradually build up a map of today’s literature.

Renaud Camus
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color.
1998. Price : 125 FF. ISBN 2 85850 977 8

The author Renaud Camus discusses his relationship with writing, a strong total commitment, an immersion in language and in the sentence which he intends to be a statement of passing time and which he considers with a sharp eye of the writer. It is also a statement of a form, a syntax which is now being lost in the meanders of facility.
Entering Renaud Camus's workshop is like walking down the many corridors that lead to creation, in all its states.

Jean Echenoz
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color.
1998. Price : 125 FF. ISBN 2 85850 976 X

For Jean Echenoz, writing is a bridge between realty and the imaginary world. This doubtless explains the author' s passion for architecture which is apparent in many of this books. Writing, too, is a form of architecture, a technique which binds together the most heterogeneous facts or fictions.
In this interview, Jean Echenoz explains the construction of images and his work on behaviour patterns.
Quite apart from the psychology of his characters, it is attitudes which interest him and which he sets centre stage. A very appropriate expression given the writer's enthusiasm for cinematographic research. In cinema, the main aim is to combine as skillfully as possible image, sound, sets and a story line.
"The sound of a sentence increases the meaning". Jean Echenoz joins Flaubert in his "plea". The spoken and written words combine and the work takes shape in the workshop of the author who is a ferryman of words.

Michel Deguy
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color
Interview with
Pascale BouhΘnic
1997. Price 139 FF. ISBN 2 85850 924 7

Michel Deguy (born in1930, in Paris) is the editor of the review called PoΘsie. Until 1991, he was the chairman of the College of Philosophy, and the philosopher uses poetry to question the functions of language.
It is through poetry addressed to the Other that the poet can override his own reticence.

Christian Prigent
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color
Interview with
Pascale BouhΘnic
1997. Price 139 FF. ISBN 2 85850 926 3

Christian Prigent, writer and essayist (born in 1945 in Saint-Brieuc) is part of the tradition of subversive writers ranging from Sade to Bataille.
Pascale BouhΘnic questions the author on the influence of such free writing and on its role in society.

Jude StΘfan
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color
Interview with
Pascale BouhΘnic
1997. Price 139 FF. ISBN 2 85850 925 5

Why does Jude StΘfan (born in 1930 in Normandy) have as his programme "to write even less well" ?
Why is he now turning his attention to the Latin model and the poetry of Louise LabbΘ in order to write in a modern style ?
What link does he see between writing and a goal scored by Michel Platini ?

ValΦre Novarina
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color
Interview with
Pascale BouhΘnic
1997. Price 139 FF. ISBN 2 85850 927 1

Why does the text come to fruition in one way on a stage ? This is what ValΦre Novarina (born in 1942), painter, dramatist and writer, explains to Pascale BouhΘnic during the interview.
He provides a dazzling demonstration of this during the readings filmed in the open air, in the mountains where he reveals his "secret habit" his writing "linked to the secret of the secret".

Olivier Cadiot
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color
Interview with
Pascale BouhΘnic
1995. Price : 125 FF. ISBN 2 85850 870 4

The very first pages of the title sequence (the author reading a page of L'art poetic) give a foretaste of the remainder of the cassette. From readings given with the breathtaking accuracy of a Formula One driver to the discussion of literature, we are carried along at breakneck speed.
Writing means trying everything, passing through every genre, and the film closely reflects the speed of his inventivness, revealing it to the eye and ear. The main requirment is speed, like a hand slashing sentences with a stanley knife to place them elsewhere, repeat them, separate them with a space that is not a silence but an "inrush of air" in a sequence of fast, meticulous aerodynamic exercises that constitute Olivier Cadiot's writings.
It is speed that combines and provides the sequencing. It is speed that carries out "the reductions" necessary in order to create stereotypes, the "delicious" instruments of a style of writing which recycles linguistic usage.

Dominique Fourcade
Writing Workshops collection
Secam. Color
Interview with
Pascale BouhΘnic
1995. Price : 125 FF. ISBN 2 85850 872 0

Writing, as discussed by Dominique Fourcade, does not consist of laying words out on a page ; it consists of making them "appear" like stars as yet unknown, located in an interstellar space which is language.
The works created in this workshop provide a means of passing from one genre to another, varying the tones, rythms, tenses, prosedy and poetry as if set "between various gassy states, various aqueous states, various aerial states".

Bernard Heidsieck
Coll. Writing Workshops. Interview: Pascale BouhΘnic
1995. Price: 125 FF. ISBN 2 85850 871 2

Bernard Heidsieck talks about the 1950’s when poetry, which had fallen victim to its introspection and confidentiality, gave him the "impression of drawing its last breath". At least, this was true of a certain form of poetry, that which had no mystique other than writing, no movement other than "centripetal force" which caused it to revolve around itself until it self-destructed on the blank page.
This dying form of poetry had to be "given a shake-up", "rendered active", "given back a different impulse for circulation". This resulted in sound poetry, a singular yet collective adventure involving many different experimentalists, actors and authors of a poetry which no longer appeared in a book but, instead, came alive on the stage, in a gallery, at a festival - in any open space where it could be declaimed.

Jacques Roubaud
Coll. Writing Workshops. Interview: Pascale BouhΘnic
1995. Price: 125 FF. ISBN 2 85850 869 0

What is poetry? The question is never explicitly asked but it forms the basis of the interview with Jacques Roubaud, mathematician and poet, translator, essayist and novelist, a man with a love of language, structures and their infinite possibilities of manipulation, whether borrowed from modern algebra or from the poetry of the troubadours, from English versification or the form of the Ha∩ku, from the narrative wanderings of the legend of the Holy Grail or the implications of logic.
Poetry as seen here is a fundamental language preferred to all others, even if it can only be defined negatively, by contrast with what it is not.


Brancusi et la musique
Matisse et la musique
Picasso et la musique
[Brancusi/Matisse/Picasso and Music]
1998. Ca 70 min. each
Price: 95 FF each.
Distribution: Leader Musique and Centre Georges Pompidou

As involved as they were in their own art forms, these artists worked for their choreographer or composer friends, and their relationship with the world of music quickly gave rise to a genuine artistic collaboration. These compilations of vintage recordings pay homage to their genius.

Louise Bourgeois, Otte
1995. Produced by Brigitte Cornand/Les Films du Siamois/Delabel.
Price: 70 FF. Available from the Editions du Centre Pompidou.

Text written and read by Louise Bourgeois, musical score by Ramuntcho Matta.

Constantin Brancusi, tΘmoignages
[Constantin Brancusi, recollections]
1995. 3 CDs, total running time 3 hours.
Jointly produced by the Centre Georges Pompidou, France Culture, and INA.
Radio-Archives, 3 programs by Claire Chancel.
Price: 180 FF. Available from the Editions du Centre Pompidou.

Recollections of Brancusi by those who knew him or studied his work. Writings by Brancusi, Jean Cassou, Carola Giedion-Welker, Ana∩s Nin, Man Ray, Dominique de Roux.

Latest update 2 december 1998 ⌐ CNAC-GP