
Les Etudes gay et lesbiennes : un dΘbat
[Gay and Lesbian Studies: A Debate]
Edited by Didier Eribon
1998. 128 pp., 13 x 21 cm.
SupplΘmentaires series
Price: 100 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 956 5

Gay and lesbian studies receive a great deal of attention in France, alternately as a model or a straw man. Following the Centre Georges Pompidou's 1997 symposium, this work attempts to shed additional light on a current of research, in all its diversity and contradictions, and thus contribute to formulating the terms of the debate.

Les Gays savoirs
Edited by Patrick MauriΦs.
1998. 208 pp., 13 x 21.5 cm.
Le Promeneur series
Jointly published by the Centre Georges Pompidou and Gallimard
Price: 100 FF. Distribution: Sodis.

At the beginning was a European writers' gathering organized by the Centre Georges Pompidou during Lesbian and Gay Pride Week. The book traces the singular experiences that constitute histories, wanderings, and rediscoveries difficult to communicate. A welter of styles, international expressions, figures of an impossible knowlege of particularity, juxtaposed with the learned observations of historians.

Au risque de Foucault
[At the Risk of Foucault]
Edited by Roger Rotmann
1997. 200 pp., 13 x 21 cm
SupplΘmentaires series
Price: 100 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 920 4

Whether Foucault considers the history of insanity, hospitals, prisons or sexuality, it is first and foremost the tranquil certainties of reason, good health and clear conscience that he seeks to question. His determination to pursue the "break in the evident" and to show that it was not "as necessary as all that" is a decidedly dangerous intellectual pastime. Yet this risk is now more precious than ever before. When renunciation begins to resemble skilful necessity, when murderous stupidity is draped in the vestments of the evident, Foucault is more than ever relevant. The historians, philosophers, and sociologists here bear witness to this fact, just as they bear witness to the risks and stakes involved when confronting thoughts at work with Michel Foucault’s "building sites" strewn, appropriately, with tools and materials that are as explosive as they are confounding.

Les livres de leur vie (Third series)
[The Books in Their Lives]
1996. 10 booklets of 48 pp. each. 10 x 15 cm
Joint publication of the Bpi and the Centre Georges Pompidou
Price: 60 FF (10 booklets). ISBN: 2 85850 878 X

This is the third series of interviews chaired by Bruno de Cessole, writer and journalist, during a series organised by Francine FiguiΦre of the BibliothΦque publique d’information.
Famous authors such as Hector Bianciotti, Pietro Citati, Isma∩l KadarΘ, Erik Orsenna, Pierre-Jean RΘmy, Dominique Rollin, Jacques Roubaud, DaniΦle Sallenave and Michel Tournier acknowledge all that they owe to books and to the writers who left a mark on their lives, often determining their future career.
The interviews, presented and sold in a set, are accompanied by an introduction by Bruno de Cessole, the writer and journalist who chaired the interviews, and by a collection of quotations.

Latest update tuesday 2 december 1998 ⌐ CNAC-GP