Visual Arts


Man Ray. La Photographie α l'envers

[Man Ray, Photography Inside Out]
Edited by Emmanuelle de l'Ecotais and Alain Sayag.
1998. Hardcover, 264 pp., 320 b/w illus. 24.10 x 32 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and Le Seuil
L'oeuvre photographique series
Price : 450 FF.
ISBN: 2 02 034318 5. Distribution: Le Seuil.

Published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name organized "Outside the Walls" at the Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, this work explores Man Ray's multifaceted photography activity in terms of his professional work as a portraitist, his technical inventions (rayograms, solarizations), and his unbridled imagination.

Man Ray. La Photographie α l'envers
The Exhibition Album.

1998. 56 pp., 50 b/w illus., 19 x 27 cm.
Price: 39 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 983 2.

Selection of photographs from the exhibition, most of which are previously unpublished.

MΘtro Rambuteau
1997. 96 pp., 117 b/w illus., 22 x 24 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and Editions Hazan.
Price: 95 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 858 5

Between 1972 and 1996 Marc Petitjean photographed each step of the architectural and sociological shock waves accompanying the construction of the Centre Georges Pompidou and the new Horloge district surrounding it. This work is intended as a non-nostalgic reconstitution of that metamorphosis.

La Collection de photographies du MusΘe national d'art moderne. 1905-1948
[The Photography Collection of the MusΘe national d'art moderne, 1905-1948.]
Edited by Alain Sayag
1997. 596 pp., 100 color illus., 1,129 b/w. Hardcover, 23.5 x 30 cm.
Price: 450 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 899 2

This catalogue marks the first complete survey of the MusΘe national d'art moderne's photography collection, featuring more than 1,000 photos accompanied by commentaries on both the works and their authors. This impressive collection, built up over the past fifteen years, includes such key works as Man Ray's Violon d'Ingres, Moholy-Nagy's photograms, the Dada creations of Raoul Hausmann and Kurt Schwitters, the Surrealist works of Duchamp, Boiffar, and Dora Maar, Bellmer's dolls, the Bauhaus works, and the Nina Kandinsky bequest.

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Compositions lumineuses
[Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Light Compositions]
1995. 228 pp. 160 b/w illus., 96 bi-color.
Price: 280 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 832 1

Photograms by an artist and theorist fascinated with problems of light.

ExpΘrimental cinema

Stan Brakhage
Metaphor on vision
Edited by Jean-Michel Bouhours
1998. format 15 x 21 cm, 128 pages, 8 illustr b/w.
Price : 90 FF. ISBN 2 85850 901 8

French translation of one of the founding texts of American underground cinema, published in 1963 by Film Culture magazine with a layout by George Maciunas.

Man Ray, directeur du mauvais movies
[Man Ray, Directeur of the Mauvais Movies (sic)]
1997. 208 pp., 135 b/w illustr, 15 x 21 cm.
Price: 140 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 943 3

A rich collection of rare documents, texts, photos, shooting scripts, posters, and stills attesting to the exceptional films and cinematographic experiments created by Man Ray during his career.

TΘo Hernandez
1997. 144 pp., b/w illustr., 15 x 21 cm
Price: 100 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 921 2

Before his premature death in Paris in 1992 at the age of 53, this Mexican-born filmmaker had created over one hundred films, nearly all in Super-8. Stamped with Hernandez' tastes and fascinations (literature, travel, the male body, the Baroque, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich), they expressed his aesthetic of luxuriance and rapid in-camera editing. With his art-film friends GΣel Badaud, Michel Nedjar, and Jakobois, he founded the MΘtroBarbΦsRochechou group in the early 1980s. Among his best-known works are SalomΘ (1976, his masterpiece), Le Corps de la passion (The Body of the Passion, 1977-79), Maya (1979), and Le DΘjeuner (Lunch, 1988).


Bruce Nauman *(out of print)
1997. 224 pp., 85 b/w illustr., 39 color.
23.5 x 30 cm.
Price: 210 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 938 7

A survey of an artist who draws on all the contemporary means of artistic production--from slide projections and sound recordings to neon, video, and computers - in order to extend the possibilities of the body, perception, and intelligence. But whose interest is less the object and the material than the experience and the confrontation with the Other.

James Coleman
Edited by Christine Van Assche, texts by Benjamin Buchloh and Raymond Bellour.
1996. Color, b/w illus. Paperbound.
Jointly published by the Centre Georges Pompidou and Yves Gevaert Editeur.
Price: 160 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 875 5

The work of an Irish artist whose theatrical installations place the viewer in a magical world.

Stan Douglas
1993. Trilingual (French, English, German).
144 pp. 30 b/w illus., 10 color.
Price: 120 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 747 3

The work of a Canadian artist whose installations question the future of image and sound technology as producers of culture, spectacle, and viewer identity

VidΘo et aprΦs
[Video and After]
1992. 296 pp., b/w illus.
Price: 290 FF. ISBN: 2 85850 677 9

A descriptive inventory of the outstanding video collection of the MusΘe national d'art moderne, plus critical texts and forecasts.


Qu'est-ce qu'une madeleine ?
A propos du CD-Rom "Immemory" de Chris Marker
[What Is a Madeleine? About Chris Marker's CD-ROM, Immemory]
English-french bilingual edition
1997. 90 pp., b/w, color illus. 12.5 x 18.7 cm.
Joint publication of the Centre Georges Pompidou and Yves Gevaert
Price : 95 FF. ISBN 2 85850 942 5.

An analysis of Marker's CD-ROM by film theorist Raymond Bellour plus an overview of Marker's work by Laurent Roth and Pascal Cassagnau. Filmography and bibliography.

Latest update tuesday 2 december 1998 ⌐ CNAC-GP