
of every form

(french version)

This four-part educational landscape tour offers younger visitors a documented look at a number of works in the collection belonging to the MusΘe national d’art moderne. Comparisons, comments, glossary of terms, close-ups, and portraits. From Pierre Bonnard to Yves Klein.

draw the future

Draw me
the future

(french version)

A site created with Flash, an animation software program. An introduction to the children’s workshop exhibition for the year 2000 in the form of a trailer, combining suggestions for new objects for use in everyday life created by designers and children. Any ideas ?


Recovered works of art (MNR)
(french version)

The Centre Georges Pompidou held an exhibition in April 1997 of thirty-eight works of art plundered during the Second World War and kept by the Museum. Since then, four of the works have been returned. An on-going question!

Didier Schulmann,
"History in the Face
of Art Works"

Jean-Jacques Aillagon,
"A concern
for truth
and transparency"


Tr@verses No. 3
Multi-disciplinary review

(french version)

For Tr@verses, JΘr⌠me Saint-Loubert BlΘ plays with the concept of a work. A fragment and its links with other fragments and with the work as a whole give rise to associations and reversals through points of view that may, in some cases, be contradictory.


Publications : an illustrated selection

An illustrated selection of works published by the Editions du Centre Georges Pompidou, with commentaries. All facets of contemporary creativity are covered - plastic arts, architecture, design, literature, cinema, photography and video.

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