3/ Department of Cultural Development
(DΘpartement du dΘveloppement culturel, Ddc)

The Department of Cultural Development, established by the decree of 24 December 1992 as one of the two constituent departments of the Centre Georges Pompidou (along with the MusΘe national d'art moderne-Centre de crΘation industrielle), is mandated to provide the public with best possible access to contemporary art and culture.

The decision of 17th April 1998
restructures the DΘpartement de dΘveloppement culturel

With a view to the re-opening of the Centre Georges Pompidou in the year 2000, the Ddc is playing a leading role in the co-ordination of the Centre’s activities, especially in the areas of the spoken word, live entertainment and cinema.

Its objectives

The Ddc has the task of federating all the activities of the Centre Georges Pompidou (until now, they have been scattered and, therefore, have had less impact) in the areas of live entertainment, cinema and the audio-visual sector, the spoken word and debates.

As the department responsible for all "auditorium" activities, it is required to guarantee their coherence, visibility and purpose.

The Ddc is also required to lead the Centre’s consideration of cultural changes in contemporary society and to circulate publicly the effects of these changes.

To this end, it develops its own programme which is then implemented by its various units but it is also required to initiate major projects for multi-disciplinary exhibitions. At other times, it makes its teams available to the other departments in the Centre or to associate bodies, with a view to the realisation of major joint projects.

It is responsible for initiatives linked to the cultural, anthropological and sociological dimensions of the tasks undertaken by the Centre Georges Pompidou, whatever the mode of expression used.

The internal organisation of the new department is structured around three areas:

Live entertainment
Cinema and audio-visual programmes
Spoken reviews

It includes the following services:

Spoken reviews
Live entertainment
Fictional cinema
Cinema on the Arts

Latest update october 2 1998⌐ CNAC-GP