2/ Pass for the year 2000

Subscription for a "Pass for the year 2000"

Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss


First name:


Post code and town:



Date of birth:

Have you ever been a member of the Centre?



Pass nā–‘

I wish to order ..... passes for the year 2000
i.e. .......... x 100 FF =

(For 10 Passes ordered, the 10th is free.)

Please send me the free 98-99 programme brochure only

Print out as many copies of this form as you require and return it/them completed and accompanied by your payment by cheque made out to "Mme l'Agent comptable du Centre Georges Pompidou" to the following address:
Centre Georges Pompidou
Service des relations avec les publics
75191 Paris cedex 04
Tel. +33 (0)1 44 78 14 63

Giro cheques and international money orders
should include the mention: CCP 9066-14 F Paris

Latest update 02.11.1999 āŒ CNAC-GP