association des amis
du Centre Georges Pompidou

Centre Georges Pompidou
75191 Paris cedex 04
Tel. 01 44 78 16 81
Fax 01 44 78 16 82

The Association des amis du Centre Georges Pompidou ("Friends of the Georges Pompidou Centre"), set up in 1976, is bound by its Articles of Association to the Centre Georges Pompidou, which it helps to develop the circulation of art and culture nationally and internationally. The Association works to increase public interest in modern and contemporary art in all its forms - plastic arts, architecture, design, photography, cinema, video etc. Its ambition is to make the public more aware of the Centre’s numerous activities, mobilise a large number of French and foreign amateurs and collectors and bring them into closer contact with the great multi-disciplinary institution whose activities include musical research (Ircam, Institut de recherche et de coordination acoustique/musique, Research and design institute for contemporary music) and public readings (Bpi, BibliothΦque publique d’information, Public information library).

The Centre Georges Pompidou is now entering a new phase of its development, marked by the restructuring and renovation of its interior. During the two-year period of work, the Centre will continue to manifest its dynamic approach by organising exhibitions "outside the Centre" in Paris, the provinces and foreign countries, as well as in areas of the Centre set aside for this purpsoe. Part of the aim of the Association des amis du Centre Georges Pompidou is to contribute to the successful completion of this programme:

In order to succeed in all these actions, the Association des Amis du Centre Georges Pompidou is actively seeking private support in the form of patronage and partnerships.

Leading personalities from various countries (art lovers, private collectors, business leaders) interested in the wide-ranging activities undertaken by the Centre are invited to become members of the Club International des Amis du Centre Georges Pompidou. The members, who are limited in number, benefit from specially adapted advantages. They constitute a relay between their country or region and the Centre, thereby contributing to the expansion of its effect and influence.

Jean-Pierre Marcie-RiviΦre,
President of the Association des Amis du Centre Georges Pompidou

Latest update 02.11.1999 ⌐ CNAC-GP