"Made in France"

Roberto Matta (Sebastian R. A. Matta Echaurren, known as)
French (Chilean by birth)
Born 11 November 1911, Santiago (Chile)
Lives and works in Paris
⌐ Adagp

Les Puissances du dΘsordre (The Powers of Disorder) , 1964
Oil on canvas

298 x 993 cm
Gift of Alexandre Iolas, 1979
level 4 gallery 05c: Imaginations
Accession number : AM 1979-68

Other work(s) presented in the museum :
(Untitled), 1961 (AM 1989-443). L'Etang de No (No Pond), 1958 (AM 4150 P).

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou