"Made in France"

Olivier DebrΘ
Born 14 April 1920, Paris (France)
Lives and works in Paris and Vouvray (France)
⌐ Adagp

Ocre blanche d'hiver (Winter-White Ochre) , 1980
Oil on canvas

180 x 310 cm
Long-term loan, Fonds National d'Art Contemporain, 1983
level 4 gallery 11a: Raynaud, Raysse
Accession number : AM 1983-DEP 27

Other work(s) presented in the museum :
Dessin au fusain (Charcoal Drawing), 1967 (AM 1976-945). Signe personnage (Sign Figure), 1953 (AM 1976-1226).

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou