"Made in France"

Christian Boltanski
Born 6 September 1944, Paris (France)
Lives and works in Malakoff (France) since 1969
⌐ Adagp

Les Archives de C. Boltanski, 1965-1988 (C. Boltanski Archives, 1965-1988) , 1989
Installation: 646 metal boxes, printed photographs, electrical wires

270 x 693 x 35.5 cm
Centre Georges Pompidou purchase, 1989
level 3 gallery 05a: Detours of Memory
Accession number : AM 1989-551

La Mayson manquante (The Missing House) , 1992
Artist's book, Paris: Ed. La Hune

Copy no. 3/100
Centre Georges Pompidou purchase, 1996
level 4 gallery 00a: Artists' Books
Accession number : RLGF83

Other work(s) presented in the museum :
SaynΦtes comiques (Comic Vignettes), 1974 (AM 1984-682). Trois tiroirs (Three Drawers), 1970 (AM 1976-1334).

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou