modern art collection

gallery 22 : Duchamp, Man Ray

Francis Picabia
L'Oeil Cacodylate (The Cacodylic Eye)
AM 4408 P

Marcel Duchamp
Torture-Morte (Still Death)
AM 1993-122

Marcel Duchamp
AllĪ˜gorie de genre (George Washington) (Genre Allegory [George Washington])
AM 1987-632

Other work(s) presented in the gallery :
Man Ray : Lampshade , 1919/1954 (AM 1994-300)
Marcel Duchamp : Roue de bicyclette (Bicycle Wheel), 1913/1964 (AM 1986-286), Porte-bouteilles (Bottle Rack), 1914/1964 (AM 1986-288), A Bruit secret (With Hidden Noise), 1916/1964 (AM 1986-291), Peigne (Comb), 1916/1964 (AM 1986-292), Hat Rack, 1917/1964 (AM 1986-293), Trebuchet (Trap), 1917/1964 (AM 1986-294), Fontaine (Fountain), 1917/1964 (AM 1986-295), Fresh Widow, 1920/1964 (AM 1986-297), Why Not Sneeze Rrose Selavy ?, 1921/1964 (AM 1986-298), Sculpture-Morte (Still Sculpture), 1959 (AM 1993-121), With My Tongue in My Cheek, 1959 (AM 1993-123)
Francis Picabia : Tabac-Rat (Rat Tobacco), 1919/1949 (AM 1988-40)

modern art collection museum Centre Georges Pompidou