modern art collection

gallery 18 : Kandinsky

Vassily Kandinsky
Impression V (Parc) (Impression V [Park])
AM 1976-851

Vassily Kandinsky
Gelb-Rot-Blau (Yellow-Red-Blue)
AM 1976-856

Other work(s) presented in the gallery :
Vassily Kandinsky : Improvisation III, 1909 (AM 1976-850), Improvisation XIV, 1910 (AM 4347 P), Bild mit Rotem Fleck (Painting with Red Spot) , 1914 (AM 1976-853), Dans le gris (In the Gray), 1919 (AM 81-65-43), Auf Weiss II (On White II), 1923 (AM 1976-855), Vers le bleu (Toward Blue), 1939 (AM 81-65-69), L'Accord rΘciproque (Mutual Agreement) , 1942 (AM 1976-863)

modern art collection museum Centre Georges Pompidou