modern art collection

Antoine Pevsner
French citizen 1930 (Russian by birth)
Born 15 January 1884, Klimovichi (Russia)
Died 14 April 1962, Paris (France)
⌐ Adagp

Mask , 1923
Celluloid and metal

33 x 20 x 20 cm
Purchase, 1974
gallery 20 : Pevsner, Kupka
Accession number : AM 1974-24

Other work(s) presented in the museum :
Construction spatiale aux 3e et 4e dimensions (Spatial Construction in the Third and Fourth Dimensions), 1961 (AM 1353 S). Monument symbolisant la libΘration de l'esprit (Monument Symbolizing the Liberation of the Spirit), 1955-1956 (AM 1351 S). Composition, 1917-1918 (AM 4240). Construction dans l'espace (Construction in Space), 1923-1925 (AM 1346 S). Sens du mouvement d'une construction spatiale (Direction of the Movement of a Spatial Construction), 1956 (AM 1423 S). Vision spectrale (Ghostly Vision), 1959 (AM 1352 S).

modern art collection museum Centre Georges Pompidou