modern art collection

Alberto Giacometti
Born 10 October 1901, Stampa (Switzerland) To Paris 1922
Died 11 January 1966, Coire (Switzerland)
⌐ Adagp

Le Nez (The Nose) , 1947
Plaster on metal armature, synthetic thread, metallic suspension

81.5 x 66 x 36.7 cm
Gift, 1992
gallery 33 : Dubuffet, Giacometti
Accession number : AM 1992-358

Other work(s) presented in the museum :
Diego, 1954 (AM 1161 S). Caresse (Caress), 1932 (AM 1984-310). Lustre (Lamp), 1948 (AM 1983-468). Femme assise (Seated Woman), 1956 (AM 1977-217). Homme (Man), 1927-1928 (AM 1981-510). Femme nue debout (Standing Female Nude), 1954-1957 (AM 1028 S). Femme (Woman), 1927 (AM 1982-13).

modern art collection museum Centre Georges Pompidou