What do you think next autumn's woman will be like? Boyish, plump, angelic, sensual  
or what? 


A delicate balance between the remote past and the ultra future, between the ancestor  
who ran with wolves and the cyberfemale in space, the woman of 1999 will be more  
mysterious, secret and spiritual: softer, less imperious. 

Which will be the most notable colours and tendencies?  

Gold, grey, black, metallic and the winter pastels: crystallized violets, pistachio, dusty  
copper green, aubergine.  
Very long or very short. All types of overalls from aprons to long transparent slipovers worn  
over heavier fabric to soften the effect and bluff the outline: to add charm, movement, levity.  
Like a lining worn on the outside. The combination of opposites. 


What about unusual details or extravagances? 


Many slits, open and closed. Diagonal cuts; spiral openings (a homage to Escher in his  
centenary year) small openings in the crook of the sleeve; round openings from which an  
arm or a leg can emerge. Laser holes and openwork leading up to a giant moth-hole effect.  
Embroidery spread with silicone. 


What are the "musts" for the season? 


The overall. The wraparound chrysalis overcoat.  
Long dresses far the daytime. 


In this world of globalization is it difficult to maintain originality of creation or does it  
act as a stimulant? 


It should not be difficult far those with creative personalities to be original. Far others,  
obviously, the bombardment of images leads to an impossibility of distinguishing between  
personal invention and visual memory which, in rum, can lead to copying, even unwittingly  
(lei us be generous) something already dune by others. 
