=============================================== C++BUILDER 5 TRIAL INSTALLATION NOTES =============================================== This file contains important supplementary and late-breaking information that may not appear in the main product documentation. We recommend that you read this file in its entirety. This document may contain references to features that are not included in the Trial edition. Please ignore these items, as well as the edition markings ("Enterprise, Professional, Standard", etc.) that are contained in this and other documentation. For information on new features in this release, choose "What's New" in the online Help contents. Other product notes, including known issues and compatibility information, are contained in the file README.TXT. **** IMPORTANT **** Distributing applications generated with this Trial version is prohibited. CONTENTS =============================================== -- INSTALLATION -- KNOWN INSTALLATION ISSUES -- REMOVING THE PRODUCT INSTALLATION =============================================== Starting the installation program ----------------------------------------------- The installation program should run automatically when you insert your CD. Otherwise, launch the setup program -- INSTALL.EXE -- from your CD. IMPORTANT! Be sure to reboot the computer (as prompted by the installation program) after installing and before using this product. System requirements ----------------------------------------------- * Intel Pentium 90 or higher (P166 recommended) * Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 95, or Windows NT4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later * 32MB RAM (64MB recommended) * Hard disk space: Enterprise edition: 253 MB for compact install 388 MB for full install Professional edition: 240 MB for compact install 360 MB for full install Standard edition: 120 MB for compact install 185 MB for full install * CDROM drive * VGA or higher resolution monitor * Mouse or other pointing device If you've installed this product before ----------------------------------------------- You can install to the same machine (though to a different location) as another version of the product. If you want to install to the same directory as an existing version, uninstall the existing version first. In either case, you should back up your IDAPI.CFG file (if one is present) and any other important data, including existing projects that you intend to use with this version. Trial requires MSIE 4.0 or later on Win95 ----------------------------------------------- If you are running Windows 95 or 95B, you MUST have the Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) browser version 4.0 or later installed in order to use this Trial. If you do not have MSIE 4.0 or later, you can download the latest version of the browser from the Microsoft Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie Premature expiration ----------------------------------------------- On some machines, this Trial edition may expire prematurely. If this happens to you, visit our Online Services site at: http://pso.inprise.com/devsupport/WelcomePage.html then: -- Click the Install Support link. -- Click Create Case, and follow the instructions on each page. We will then email you information that will allow you to continue your evaluation. Uninstall Internet Control Pack ----------------------------------------------- If you have installed any previous release of the Microsoft Internet Control Pack, uninstall that version before installing this product. Installing the Borland Database Engine ----------------------------------------------- This release includes a new version of the Borland Database Engine (BDE). Unless you specify other than the default setup directories during installation, the existing 32-bit BDE and SQL Links installations will be overwritten. Note that BDE is available only in the Enterprise and Professional editions of this product; SQL Links is available only in the Enterprise edition. For additional BDE installation information, see BDEINST.TXT in your main BDE directory (installation default: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Bde) Just-In-Time Debugging ----------------------------------------------- (Enterprise and Professional editions only) During installation, you have the option of updating your Just-In-Time Debugger registry settings. If you choose to update your registry, changes are made to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AEDebug\Debugger The key is changed to: C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder5\bin\ bordbg51.exe -aeargs %ld %ld (where C:\Program Files\Borland\ is the installation directory) If you do not perform the update during installation, you get a second chance to update the registry at program startup. The Just-In-Time Debugger automatically starts when any program running on your computer fails. Just-In-Time debugging and distributed debugging will not work, however, unless this registry setting is updated. If you want to preserve your existing AEDebug settings in case you want to change them back at a later date, you must follow these steps BEFORE updating the registry settings: 1. Run Regedit. 2. Select the AEDebug key (noted above). 3. Choose Registry | Export Registry File. 4. Name and save the file containing the AEDebug key. To restore the AEDebug settings you can: 1. Run Regedit. 2. Choose Registry | Import Registry File. 3. Specify the file in which you saved the AEDebug key. Manually registering the debugger kernel ----------------------------------------------- If you choose NOT to reboot at the end of the installation process, you must manually register the Borland Debugger Kernel (BORDBK51.DLL) in order to use debugging features. You must also manually register the Debugger Kernel if you receive "BORDBK51 not registered" errors after restarting. To manually register the debugger, open a command window, switch to the Debugger Kernel location (default c:\program files\common files\ borland shared\debugger\bordbk51.dll) and run the Microsoft Register Server utility with the following command: regsvr32 bordbk51.dll Note: If REGSVR32 is not on your path, switch to your Windows/System directory and run the utility with a full path specification to the Debugger Kernel file. Important: Though these instructions will allow you to run the debugger without restarting after an installation (or after a failed registration), we still strongly recommend that you reboot immediately after installing this product in order to avoid problems with other features that rely on properly registered libraries. KNOWN INSTALLATION ISSUES =============================================== Windows 98 users: The directory Browse button may cause the installation to halt ---------------------------------------------- If installing under Windows 98 with Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks and the Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services (MSNDS) network clients: Installation may exit or stop with a fatal error message if you click the Browse button on the directory selection dialog. Workaround: If you choose not to install to the default directories, type your directory choices into the dialog fields, rather than clicking Browse. For more information on this problem, see the following technical articles at the InstallShield and Microsoft sites: Search for article Q192249 at: http://support.microsoft.com/search/default.asp Search for article Q102400 at: http://support.installshield.com InstallShield and Microsoft Outlook 98 -------------------------------------- If Outlook 98 is running when you install this product, InstallShield will hang. We strongly recommend that you close Outlook 98 and all other Windows programs before installing. Installing Microsoft Data Access Components ----------------------------------------------- If you chose not to install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) during setup, you can, anytime after installation, install version 2.1.2 of the components by running MDAC_TYP.EXE from the \MDAC directory on your product CD. VisiBroker setup: Final step may halt C++Builder installation on Windows 9x machines ----------------------------------------------- Completing a VisiBroker installation may cause C++Builder installation to halt on some Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems. The crash can ONLY occur if you click "OK" in the final dialog of the VisiBroker installation (the dialog asks if you want to view the VisiBroker readme file). If you choose NOT to view the readme file when asked, the crash will NOT occur. If the crash occurs, your C++Builder installation will be incomplete and you'll have to reinstall the product. To reinstall C++Builder after the crash: 1. Delete all files and folders from the previous installation location (normally C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder5). IMPORTANT: If you created the installation folder before running C++Builder installation and copied any customized documents, projects, or files into the folder before starting the installation, remember to MOVE the customized files out of the tree before deleting it. 2. Run C++Builder setup from your CD, but do NOT install VisiBroker this time (it should already be correctly installed). To skip VisiBroker installation, choose Custom or Typical install (NOT Full) and clear the VisiBroker checkbox when the option is presented. If after reinstalling C++Builder you later choose to reinstall VisiBroker, run the following program from your C++Builder CD: \Vbroker\setup.exe InterBase Client ----------------------------------------------- When installing this product and InterBase client, an invalid error message (error code 401, "String variable is not large enough for string. Check the string declarations".) may occur on installations that involve very long directory paths. If you see the message, you can ignore it (click OK in the message box) and proceed with your installation. InterBase install/registry ----------------------------------------------- If the error "Internal error near: IBcheck" occurs, check the PATH value for the registry key: HK_Current_user\environment If it is a hex value, delete it or convert it to a character string. InterBase and NetWizard ----------------------------------------------- NetWizard may interfere with the installation of InterBase (not included with all editions of this Borland product). When this occurs, the error message, "Error trying to interface with Windows shell" will appear. Workaround: disable NetWizard prior to installing InterBase. Compatibility issues ----------------------------------------------- For last-minute compatibility issues not covered in this file, see the README.TXT file at the root of your release CD, and the Compatibility Issues section of the online Help file. INTERNATIONAL ISSUES =============================================== C++Builder 5 and DBCS ----------------------------------------------- Do not install C++Builder 5 into a folder containing double-byte characters. JRE installation may generate false error ----------------------------------------------- (Enterprise edition only) If installing C++Builder 5 on a Japanese system, an error message may appear at the end of the installation of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). [Setup only attempts to install or upgrade JRE if VisiBroker is selected as an install option or if a Full installation is selected]. This error, which only occurs on the installation configuration noted above, may be ignored (the JRE will be installed correctly). UNINSTALLING THE PRODUCT =============================================== To uninstall this release from your computer, open the Control Panel folder and double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. Select Borland C++Builder 5 from the list, click the Add/Remove button, and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Uninstalling when McAfee virus scanner active ----------------------------------------------- Because it normally scans "outbound files" (such as files being uninstalled), recent versions of McAfee virus scanner may cause long delays during uninstallation of this product. Windows NT users can switch off this protection option by right-clicking the VShield icon in the system tray, choosing Properties, then deselecting the "Outbound Files" option in the "Scan" group. Windows 95/98 versions of VShield do not have the "Outbound Files" option, but users may speed the uninstall by disabling "System Scan" directly from the VShield tray icon. =============================================== Copyright (c) 2000 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved.