Ochrona has│em.
Skrypt 1
Skrypt 2
Skrypt 4
<FORM name="login">
<INPUT NAME="pass">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Wejd╝" onClick="password(form.pass.value)">
Created by Greg Boyd on July 30, 1997
To use this teleport/password feature as I call it, all you need to do
is cut and paste the entire code including what you are reading.
The file takes what you put in the box and takes you to the page of that name.
It is easier to use if you include a list of the sites on your pages.
If you have problems getting this to work, email me at mims@frontiernet.net.net .
<script Language="JavaScript">
function password (pass) {
var password = ''
if (password != null){
location.href= pass + ".htm";
Has│em w tym skrypcie bΩdzie zawsze nazwa strony bez rozszerzenia, o kt≤rej przecie┐ nikt nie musi wiedzieµ. Mo┐e to byµ np. jsdhfk.html wtedy has│em bΩdzie " jsdhfk ".