Zegarek. Umie£µ ten kod miΩdzy znacznikami <Body>, </Body> <form name="clock" onSubmit="0"> <dl> <dd align="right"><input type="text" name="date" size="12" value> <input type="text" name="face" size="12" value> </dd> </dl> </form> Ten kod umie£µ w sekcji: <Head>, </Head> <script Language="JavaScript"> <!-- Helpers for JSI page... // Navigation - Start function goback(){ alert("Good Bye!"); history.go(-1); } function gettheDate() { Todays = new Date(); TheDate = "" + (Todays.getMonth()+ 1) +" / "+ Todays.getDate() + " / " + Todays.getYear() document.clock.date.value = TheDate; } var timerID = null; var timerRunning = false; function stopclock (){ if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID); timerRunning = false; } function startclock () { // Make sure the clock is stopped stopclock(); gettheDate() showtime(); } function showtime () { var now = new Date(); var hours = now.getHours(); var minutes = now.getMinutes(); var seconds = now.getSeconds() var timeValue = "" + ((hours >12) ? hours -12 :hours) timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds timeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M." document.clock.face.value = timeValue; timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000); timerRunning = true; } // end Helpers --> </script>
Zegarek. Umie£µ ten kod miΩdzy znacznikami <Body>, </Body>
<form name="clock" onSubmit="0"> <dl> <dd align="right"><input type="text" name="date" size="12" value> <input type="text" name="face" size="12" value> </dd> </dl> </form>
Ten kod umie£µ w sekcji: <Head>, </Head>
<script Language="JavaScript"> <!-- Helpers for JSI page... // Navigation - Start function goback(){ alert("Good Bye!"); history.go(-1); } function gettheDate() { Todays = new Date(); TheDate = "" + (Todays.getMonth()+ 1) +" / "+ Todays.getDate() + " / " + Todays.getYear() document.clock.date.value = TheDate; } var timerID = null; var timerRunning = false; function stopclock (){ if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID); timerRunning = false; } function startclock () { // Make sure the clock is stopped stopclock(); gettheDate() showtime(); } function showtime () { var now = new Date(); var hours = now.getHours(); var minutes = now.getMinutes(); var seconds = now.getSeconds() var timeValue = "" + ((hours >12) ? hours -12 :hours) timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds timeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M." document.clock.face.value = timeValue; timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000); timerRunning = true; } // end Helpers --> </script>