1 Left Title 2 Right Title 3 Top Title 4 Bottom Title 5 X Labels 6 Y Labels 7 Fixed Labels 8 Legend Box 9 Values 10 Points 11 Series #%d 12 Value #%d 13 &Area Lines 16 Solid 17 BW Patterns 18 Color Patterns 19 Import a chart\nfrom a file (.CHF). 20 Export the chart\nto a file (.CHF). 21 Chart Files (*.chf)|*.CHF|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 22 Template Files (*.cht)|*.CHT|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 23 &Chart 24 Export Template 25 Import Template 26 %s out of %s\n(%s%%) 27 From %s to %s 28 HIGH: %s - LOW: %s\nCLOSE %s 29 OPEN: %s\nHIGH: %s - LOW: %s\nCLOSE: %s 30 Previous Color 31 &Candlestick 32 Import Chart 33 Export Chart 34 Copy to\nthe clipboard\nas a bitmap 35 Copy data\nto the clipboard\nas text. 36 Print the chart. 37 Space 1 38 Change Gallery Type 39 Space Combo 40 Change Color 41 Space 2 42 Switch between\n3D and 2D views. 43 Rotate\nthe\nchart. 44 Z-Clustered\nseries. 45 Zoom 46 Space 3 47 Show or Hide\nthe legend. 48 Show or Hide\nthe Series legend. 49 Vertical grid. 50 Horizontal grid. 51 Space 4 52 Edit titles. 53 Change\ntext fonts. 54 Tools. 55 Change chart\noptions. 56 None 57 Rectangle 58 Circle 59 Triangle 60 Marble 61 Cube 62 Variable 64 Area 65 Columns 66 Cubes 67 Lines 68 Marks 69 Fit to curve 70 Horizontal bars 71 Scatter (X vs. Y) 72 [Open-]Hi-Low-Close 73 Pie 74 Doughnut 75 Polar 76 Surface 77 Pareto 80 None 81 Horiz. 82 Vertical 83 Both 84 None 85 Stack 86 Stack 100% 87 Main Y axis 88 Secondary Y axis 89 X Axis 90 3D Line's Shape 91 3D Bar's shape 92 No. of v&ertex: 93 3D Line &thick: 94 Page %d of %d 95 No Data Available 820 General 821 Series 822 Scale 823 3D View 824 Titles