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Amiga World Nameplate Competition

Yes, the Nameplate of each issue of Amiga World changes. What does this mean? It means that we recognize that the community is loaded with talent and we'd like to display some of that talent in each issue. What better place to display such artistic works than on the cover of Amiga World?

If you are interested in having your work considered for the Nameplate of Amiga World you should email your creation to: with "Nameplate" in the subject. One winner will be chosen by a panel of Amiga VIPs to have their work displayed in a future issue of Amiga World.

The guidelines are simple. Create your nameplate using the Amiga World title and subtitle (So The World May Know). You can use any software you like. It should be created at 72 dpi and be between 500 to 520 pixels wide and between 155 to 165 pixels high. The size in inches should be between 7 to 7.5 inches wide and 2.2 to 2.5 inches high. It can be submitted in PNG, GIF or JPEG formats and should be designed to display in HTML. You will be contacted if you are chosen as the winner. That's it!

The Nameplate used for this issue was created by Shawn Seals ( He used Amiga hardware and a combination of ImageFX, Aladdin 4D, and CandyFactoryPro on the software side.

Shawn's Nameplate was just one of many submitted for this issue and it was truly a dilemma choosing a winner with such stiff competition. We don't have enough room to show you every submission we received, but we can show you the two other finalists. David Gagely created the top image and the bottom image was created by the mysterious MOVe.

Thanks for participating and don't forget to send in your Nameplate submissions for the next issue.

Thanks for participating, and don't forget to send in your nameplate submissions for the next issue. Here are some previous Amiga World nameplates:

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