New Entities in Heretic II Siege v1.1 by The Shadowlord /*QUAKED info_player_defender (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) potential spawning position for defender team */ /*QUAKED info_player_attacker (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) potential spawning position for attacker team */ /*QUAKED obj_ballista (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-45 -45 0) (45 45 60) A ballista which is animated to shoot an arrow -------------------------FIELDS------------------------- health = default = 500 0 = (indestructable) dmg = amount of damage projectile will do (default = 100) speed = delay, in seconds, between firings (higher number means longer wait) (default = 3) -------------------------------------------------------- */ /*QUAKED obj_lady_of_the_lake (1 0.5 0.15) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) This will cause a sword to rise up out of the lake when used put the origin just above surface of the water. "random" = % chance that it will not activate the first time it's used */ /*QUAKED obj_catapult (0 .5 .8) (-150 -150 0) (150 150 28) ? INVULNERABLE "speed" Throw speed (300 default) "wait" wait before resetting (3 default) "health" Just how tough is it (defaults to 1000) "mass" How hard is it to push (defaults to 1000) "wakeup_distance" - Max distance it can be pushed from start pos (default 256) "-1" disables this Spawnflags: INVULNERABLE - can it be hurt */ /*QUAKED item_puzzle_crown (.3 .3 1) (-8 -8 -4) (8 8 4) NO_DROP - - - DEFENDERS BOTHTEAMS Crown puzzle item Spawnflags: NO_DROP - won't drop to ground DEFENDERS - Only Defenders can capture the crown BOTHTEAMS - Both teams can capture the crown */ /*QUAKED thronekey (.3 .3 1) (-15 -15 -15) (15 15 15) Spawns the throne key count - Used for random key spawning. Set to the number of "info_key_spawnspot" in map. */ /*QUAKED func_obstacle (0 .5 .8) ? Does damage on impact based on the speed of the impactee "dmg" - multiplier on damage (damage is based on speed of impact and mass of impactee) "level" - velocity threshold to not do damage under (400 is running speed) "mangle" - pitch yaw roll, what dir things must be moving in to allow deadly collision. '0 0 0' means any dir. for spikes on siege5, this should be (no quotes) "0 270 0" (meaning, they have to be moving North to hurt themselves on it) Note: only works at objects going north direction. */ /*QUAKED item_key_finder (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Pick up for key finder */ /*QUAKED item_jailer (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Pickup for the jailer icon. */ /*QUAKED item_armor (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Pickup armor */ /*QUAKED item_ring_regen (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Pickup ring of regeneration */ /*QUAKED item_ring_water (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Pickup ring of water breathing */ /*QUAKED misc_ripples (0 0 1) (-4 -4 0) (4 4 8) 1 Creates a ripple when used. "wait" - shortest time between two ripples "angles" - "0 0 90" (default) for horizontal ripples (Must have spawnflags set to use). Spawnflags: 1 - Default Angle overide, change direction of ripple by setting "angles". */ /*QUAKED item_torch (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Pickup for the torch. */ /*QUAKED trigger_start_timer (.5 .5 .5) ? Starts the timer and the siege game */ /*QUAKED trigger_control (.5 .5 .5) ? Takes over a ballista or catapult when the player is inside of it */ /*QUAKED trigger_hardfall (.5 .5 .5) ? Causes a player to take more fall damage. */ /*QUAKED trigger_teamwin (.5 .5 .5) ? Causes the activator's team to win. */ /*QUAKED trigger_attackerwin (.5 .5 .5) ? Causes the attacker team to win. */ /*QUAKED trigger_defenderwin (.5 .5 .5) ? Causes the defender team to win. */ /*QUAKED trigger_message (.5 .5 .5) ? WHOLEMAP TRIGGERED NOMONSTER Sends a text message to player. Spawnflags: WHOLEMAP - (1) Message to whole map TRIGGERED - (2) Message has to be targeted NOMONSTER - (4) Disables Monster activation of trigger (For team and whole map messages) ------------------------------------ siege_team - Message to a team only wait - Amount of time between messages. (default: 4) Set wait to -1 to trigger only once */ /*QUAKED info_key_spawnspot (1 0 1) (-15 -15 -15) (15 15 15) Potential spawn spot for key */ /*QUAKED obj_custom (1 .5 0) ? INVULNERABLE - - NOPUSH NOTSOLID USEBSPMODEL NOTPLAYERDAMAGE Custom object ------- FIELDS ------------------ INVULNERABLE - can't be hurt (1) NOPUSH - can be pushed (8) NOTSOLID - not solid (16) USEBSPMODEL - Will use bsp model (32). NOTPLAYERDAMAGE - players cannot damage this object (64) ----------------------------------- mass - object weight mins - set mins of binding box maxs - set maxs of binding box Note: Object will not spawn point binding box. If USEBSPMODEL spawnflags is set, do not use mins and maxs. health - amount of damage the brush can take before exploding message - place the model path and model name with extension here example: "models/object/" The model must be set if the USEBSPMODEL spawnflags is NOT set. materialtype - 0 = STONE 1 = GREYSTONE (default)map 2 = CLOTH 3 = METAL 4 = FLESH 5 = POTTERY 6 = GLASS 7 = LEAF 8 = WOOD 9 = BROWNSTONE 10 = NONE - just makes smoke */ /*QUAKED trigger_antiharrass (.5 .5 .5) ? Causes a player to take extra damage if the player has touched a triggger_hardfall. siege_team - if set it will only effect same team. 1 - Defender 2 -attackers damage - Amount of damage the player receives (default: 80). */ /*QUAKED monster_ogle_fighter(1 .5 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 16) pushing pick_up pick_down chisel_up chisel_down hammer_up hammer_down singing CINEMATIC A stronger more agressive Ogle that will fight other monsters. "siege_team" - When set it will follow players of that team and fight along side them. 2 - Attackers 1 - Defenders "wakeup_target" - monsters will fire this target the first time it wakes up (only once) "pain_target" - monsters will fire this target the first time it gets hurt (only once) mintel - monster intelligence- this basically tells a monster how many buoys away an enemy has to be for it to give up. melee_range - How close the player has to be, maximum, for the monster to go into melee. If this is zero, the monster will never melee. If it is negative, the monster will try to keep this distance from the player. If the monster has a backup, he'll use it if too clode, otherwise, a negative value here means the monster will just stop running at the player at this distance. Examples: melee_range = 60 - monster will start swinging it player is closer than 60 melee_range = 0 - monster will never do a mele attack melee_range = -100 - monster will never do a melee attack and will back away (if it has that ability) when player gets too close missile_range - Maximum distance the player can be from the monster to be allowed to use it's ranged attack. min_missile_range - Minimum distance the player can be from the monster to be allowed to use it's ranged attack. bypass_missile_chance - Chance that a monster will NOT fire it's ranged attack, even when it has a clear shot. This, in effect, will make the monster come in more often than hang back and fire. A percentage (0 = always fire/never close in, 100 = never fire/always close in).- must be whole number jump_chance - every time the monster has the opportunity to jump, what is the chance (out of 100) that he will... (100 = jump every time)- must be whole number wakeup_distance - How far (max) the player can be away from the monster before it wakes up. This just means that if the monster can see the player, at what distance should the monster actually notice him and go for him. DEFAULTS: mintel = 16 melee_range = 48 missile_range = 0 min_missile_range = 0 bypass_missile_chance = 0 jump_chance = 10 wakeup_distance = 1024 NOTE: A value of zero will result in defaults, if you actually want zero as the value, use -1 */ /*QUAKED sound_ambient_custom (1 0 0) (-4 -4 0) (4 4 4) NON_LOCAL START_OFF Generates a custom ambient sound ------- FLAGS ------------------ NON_LOCAL - sound occurs everywhere in the level - attenuation is not operative with this type of sound wait amount of seconds to wait + or - 50% before spawning sound again (default is 10 seconds) START_OFF - starts off, can be triggered on ------- KEYS ------------------ message - sound file path. ie "monsters/tbeast/growl3.wav" attenuation (how quickly sound drops off from origin) 0 - heard over entire level (default) 1 - 2 - 3 - diminish very rapidly with distance volume range of .1 to 1 (default .5) 0 - silent 1 - full volume ----------------------------------- */