Here is a listed of the altered entities in Heretic II Siege v1.1 by The Shadowlord Altered Entities: banners: If health is set, it can be destroyed. wall banner: Spawnflags 16 - will not be solid. breakable_brush: Now can use "pain_target". func_door: func_door_rotating: Now can use "pain_target". Become debris when health reaches 0. Now can use "deathtarget". Spawnflags "8192" - Door will not become debris. func_door: func_rotating: Setting "style" to "1" will cause the Throne Key to be moved, when Throne Key is on top of it. info_player_intermission: You can set three different intermission points dependent on which team wins. siege_team - Set to "1" for defender win. Set to "2" for attacker win. "0" or no setting is for Draw game. light entities: Spawnflags 32 - Makes the light not solid. misc_teleporter: Spawnflags: 16 - makes player an Attacker. Must target "attacker" misc_teleporter_dest. 32 - makes player a Defender. Must target "defender" misc_teleporter_dest. 64 - Randomly picks the players team. misc_teleporter_dest: Place targetname "prison" for jailer. Monsters: "siege_team" - "1" places the monster on the Defenders team. (Will not attack Defenders) "2" places the monster on the Attackers team. (Will not attack Attackers) Note: placing monsters on different teams will cause them to fight. So don't place monsters of the opposite team together. "objtarget" - The monster will attack the object with the matching targetname. Note: Doesn't work with breakable brushes. So instead use obj_custom to make the breakable brush. monster_chicken: Don't have to set time for chicken to appear. Can be used as a regular monster. monster_fish: Altered AI and added more health and damage. Scale: the more you increase the scale the more dmg and it will scale the set default healths, and masses. Not recommended set scale above 4.(2.5 scale for biggest model size) monster_gkrokon: monster_gorgon: monster_harpy: Can scale these monster (see monster_fish above). monster_ogle: Added "Ogle Follower Intelligence Code"© When siege_team is set, the Ogle will follow the players of the same team. monster_seraph_overlord: spawnflags 64 - Will not target Ogles of any team. obj_barrel: When exposive spawnflags is set, the barrel respawns after it explodes. delay - The time it takes the barrel to respawn (default = 1). spawnflags 16 - Enables the barrel to respawn when exposive Spawnflag is not set. - If exposive flag is set, it will disable the respawn. trigger_Activate: Spawnflags: 16 - Set the trigger to toggle mode. (Activates then Deactivates) trigger_damage: spawnflags: 32 - Disables teleporter effect. trigger_multiple: trigger_once: "siege_team" - When set to 1 only defenders can use the trigger. When set to 2 only attackers can use the trigger. Spawnflags: 16 - Trigger fired when player attacks. 32 - Trigger fired when player press the action key. (Makes player do a push animation) Note: for doors I recommend putting a 0.7 delay on the trigger so after the player extends his hand the door opens. 64 - Only Ogles can fire the trigger. trigger_push: I fixed the trigger push. Spawnflags 2 - Disables XY axis push. It will push player stright up/down. Note: When using this spawnflag make sure you leave enough room between the floor/ceiling and the trigger. Otherwise the player will get stuck. trigger_relay: Can now be activated and deactivated now. WorldSpawn: spawnflags - 2 - When the time runs out it will pick the winner by team scores instead of making the defenders the default winners. Also sets the same deathlimit for both teams.(Used for Assault games or Castle vs Castle games). time - Overrides normal timelimit for maps that requirer different amounts of time. count - Overrides frag limit for maps that requirer different amounts of frags.