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Pinger: a console based game server browser for Linux

Pinger is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

To install, execute "./compile".

This is a beta version intended to test newer features.
Send any problems, comments, etc. to

Pinger currently supports QuakeWorld and Quake II.
More games may be added in the future.

In normal mode, Pinger will ask you to select a game and
enter a mod directory [the "game" or "gamedir" setting].
It will then download a server list, ping each server and
filter and sort the results. Then, just pick a server
and you're on your way.

In advanced mode [accessible by "./pinger a"], pinger
will ask for the usual normal information, plus a minimum
amount of players, minimum open player slots, a server
name query and a server list to use ["last" is the top
100 of the last ping, "recent" is the last 10 joined

NOTE: defaults are available by leaving the prompt blank.

For each supported game, there is a [game].cfg which
contains configuration information for the game.
The first two lines are the location of the server list.
For HTTP server lists, the first line is the server and the
second is the URL. For master lists, the first line is
"master" and the second is the master address. The third
is the location of the game. The fourth is the command
to execute for the game. The defaults ought to be fine
for most people.
