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KOMBAT TEAMS v2.10 ------------------ Kombat Teams is a QUAKEWORLD ONLY patch by kemiKal_sWeMoB, Cenobite and Fang which means to simplify all forms of deathmatch games (1-1, 2-2, 4-4, 3-3-3, 31-1 etc.). It's a public release and provided with absolutely no warranties. The authors take no responsibility for the behaviour and functionality of it. If you have any problems with 2.10 or suggestions then mail cenobite at address below. kemiKal: cenobite: fang: The latest official version of Kombat Teams can always be found on: In case you are wondering I took over from kemikal since he is busy with other things :) This is not *my* mod its his so dont forget this people ;0 INSTALLATION ------------ Create a directory called "kteam" in your quakedirectory and copy all files supplied with the patch into it. Edit the "server.cfg" file to your liking and start the server by typing "qwsv +gamedir kteam". Please refer to the quakeworld server documentation if you want your server to show up on any of the masterservers available. For best server performance, run your server on a machine using unix (or any of its clones) or a PC running WINDOWS NT. Please make sure that you use the QuakeWorld 2.3 server to run the patch. For those people that are upgrading from v2.07 then please read K_newstuff.txt. This will explain to you all the new commands available as well as all the player/server settings. PLAYER COMMANDS EXPLAINED ------------------------- * "about": Shows you the version number of the patch and a small note. * "ready": Tell the server that you're ready for some action. * "break": ("notready") PREGAME: tells the server that you're not ready after all. COUNTDOWN: stops the countdown (maybe to change some settings). MATCH: toggle your vote for match-break (if you've got a majority voting with you, the match will stop and results won't be logged). * "dm": Steps through deathmatch-modes 1-5. * "tp": Steps through teamplay-modes 0-3. * "powerups": Toggles the availability of powerups during game (quad/666/ring/env.suit). With version 2.10, "timer jammer" was introduced. The timer jammer respawns powerups randomly at -3 to +3 seconds from its normal time. Toggle sequence: off - on - on (w/ timer jammer) Pre game, quad and 666 will glow if powerups are enabled and not if not :) * "discharge": Toggles if players should be allowed to "discharge" in water. If disabled, players will only loose all their cells on discharge but not actually harm anyone. * "spawn": Toggles between 0. qw respawns (avoid spawnfrags) 1. kt spawnsafety 2. kombat teams respawns See technical notes for details. * "spawn666": Toggles player invulnerability on respawn during match. The invulnerability (666) will last for 2 secs but the player will not glow to give away spawnposition. Should the player attack with any weapon but axe or shotgun during these 2 seconds, his/her 666 will vanish. * "berzerk": Toggles berzerk mode. Berzerk mode is meant to release agression built up after a cautious game. When only "k_btime" seconds remains of the game, all players gets QUAD/OCTA powered for the remainder of the match and the whole level starts strobing. The first 2 seconds, everyone enjoys a bit of satan's power. (The 2 seconds of 666 was put in to prevent disastrous berzerk rocketjumps) * "rules": Prints vital information (selected goodies from this document) depending on what is enabled and what is not. * "reset": Resets server to default (see SERVER RESET) * "maps": Displays custom maps supported by the server. * "dropring": Toggles dropring (dr 0/1) * "dropquad": Toggles dropquad (dq 0/1) * "droppack": Toggles dropbackpack (dp 0/1) * "lock": Steps through the serverlock-types. See technical notes for imformation about them. * "silence": Toggles the ability for spectators to talk to players during match. (k_spectalk 0/1) Also toggles the spectator -> player voice feature of qizmo (fpd 64). * "fragsup": Fraglimit +10 (will not rise above 100 frags). * "fragsdown": Fraglimit -10 (minimum is 0). * "timeup": Timelimit +5 (will not rise above "k_timetop" mins). * "timedown": Timelimit -5 (will not go under 5 mins). * "timeup1": Timelimit +1 (will not rise above 60 mins). * "timedown1": Timelimit -1 (will not go under 5 mins). * "timeX": Where X = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30. Sets timelimit accordingly (will not go above "k_timetop" mins). * "status": Prints match-settings. * "status2": Even more match-settings printouts. * "who": Prints playerlist. * "whonot": Prints players not ready. If you are admin this is printed to all players. * "list": Prints a list of not ready players, can be done once every 10 seconds. * "whoskin": Prints all players skins. * "whovote": PREGAME: shows number of votes for mapchange and number of votes for pickup MATCH: shows number of votes for stopping the match * "speed": Toggles sv_maxspeed (320/k_highspeed) * "fairpacks": Toggles if backpacks will contain former-weapon-in-hand or former-best-weapon or last weapon fired. (k_frp 0/1/2) * "pickup": Toggles your vote for a "pickup" game. See technical notes. * "report": See technical notes. * "scores": Prints teamscores during game. Adds frags for dropped players (ie GHOSTS). Also outs remaining matchtime. It will only show scores in matches that involves 2 teams (no more, no less) and at least 3 players on match-start. Shows minutes with seconds as XX. * "stats": Prints playerstats during or after a game. * "efficiency": Prints player efficiences during or after a game. * "overtime": Switches between either Overtime mode being off or on. * "overtimeup": Increments the time to add on until it reaches 10 then loops back to 1. * "k_soundX": Where X is a value between 1 and 6. Plays a soundfile on all your teammates computers (if they've got the k_flags "k_sound" flag set). If you want your client to play sounds that your teammates triggers, type (in the console): setinfo k_flags 1 Your teammates must have the files "ktsound1.wav" - "ktsound6.wav" in their "id1/sound" directory or they won't hear anything regardless of the k_sound flag. Remember: If you trigger ktsound1.wav, it will play the ktsound1.wav that resides on your teammates disk/s, not the one on yours. *** The default samples are: ktsound1.wav "Home" ktsound2.wav "Cellar" ktsound3.wav "Tower" ktsound4.wav "Help/Assist" ktsound5.wav "Warning" ktsound6.wav "Report" The standard soundbanks can be found at To be able to use your samples on any server running KT1.96 or higher - put the samples in your "ID1/sound" directory (if "sound" doesn't exist, create it yourself). Alternatively you can create subdirectories inside ID1/sound called "male", "female" etc. and put the desired soundbanks into these - then during game you can tell Kombat Teams that you want a female voice by typing (in the console): setinfo k_sdir "female" * ("admin"): If admins are allowed on the server, this is how you become one. A six digit code will then be asked of you. Each digit is entered by an impulse command between 1 and 9. SPECTATOR COMMANDS EXPLAINED ---------------------------- * "stats": Prints playerstats during or after agame. * "efficiency": Prints player efficiences during or after a game. * "status": Prints match-settings. * "status2": Even more match-settings printouts. * "who": Prints playerlist. * "whonot": Prints players not ready. * "whoskin": Prints all players skins. * "whovote": PREGAME: shows number of votes for mapchange and number of votes for pickup MATCH: shows number of votes for stopping the match * "scores": Prints teamscores during game. Adds frags for dropped players (ie GHOSTS). Also outs remaining matchtime. It will only show scores in matches that involves 2 teams (no more, no less) and atleast 3 players on match-start. * "cam": Shows info on KT's built-in camera functions. * "join": Reconnects to server as a player (spectator 0 and reconnect). * ("admin"): If admins are allowed on the server, this is how you become one. A six digit code will then be asked of you. Each digit is entered by an impulse command between 1 and 9. ADMIN COMMANDS EXPLAINED ------------------------ * "forcekick": If k_allowkick is set to 1 then you are allowed to kick on the server. When you start it shows you how to navigate/kick players. impulse 1(axe) kicks current player impulse 2(sg) moves to next player impulse 3(ssg) exits from kick mode You can kick any player and spectator. If you miss a player/spectator keep hitting impulse 1 and it will go back to the start. * "admin": Relieve you of your admin rights. * "master": Toggles mastermode. In mastermode, only admins may change matchsettings (dm/tp/powerups etc). Mastermode also functions as a maplock. * "forcestart": Gives players 10 seconds to ready themselves, after which they get kicked if they're still not ready. Readied admins may type break to interrupt the countdown. Countdown then commences as usual. ***PLEASE NOTE*** If you do start a match this was it locks the server out from new people joining so be warned. * "forcebreak": Forces match to end. Results will be logged as usual but "%forcebreak%" will tell statistics-programs that the match was ended unnaturally and by whom. * "forcepause": Toggles pause during match. * "lockmap": Toggles maplock. If maplock is enabled, only admins may change map. * "prewar": Toggles the "k_prewar" flag. When k_prewar = 1: players can fire prior to match (actually they can fire during too :)) When k_prewar = 0: players can't fire prior to match (this is the discipline setting) NOTE: spectator admins can also use the following commands: /tp /dm /powerups /timeup /timedown /spawn /silence /reset /maps /qpoint /qtimer /qlag /qenemy QIZMO COMMANDS EXPLAINED ------------------------ * "qtimer": fpd XOR 2. Toggles lockout of the Qizmo powerup timers. * "qlag": fpd XOR 8. Toggles lockout of the Qizmo lag-set features. * "qenemy": fpd XOR 32. Toggles lockout of the Qizmo enemies in the vicinity reporting. * "qpoint": fpd XOR 128. Toggles lockout of the Qizmo item-point function. (%x %y reporting). ! Note that the Qizmo commands uses a serverinfo key called "fpd" that is common to almost all other proxies as well: Cheapo, NF-Proxy, ProxyLite. The commands are named after the Qizmo because the "fpd" key was introduced by its authors. !! for more information on Qizmo, Cheapo, ProxyLite and NF proxy, look elsewere on the web. SERVER.CFG EXPLAINED -------------------- A sample server.cfg is included in the KOMBAT TEAMS package, please use that and modify it as your heart desires. Settings such as startup values for deathmatch, teamplay and settings for other standard QW servervariables are in there, as well as: localinfo dq 0 // drop quad off (1 to enable) localinfo dr 0 // drop ring off (1 to enable) localinfo dp 1 // drop backpacks on (0 to disable) localinfo k_spw 2 // kombat teams respawns (see technical notes) localinfo k_pow 1 // powerups on (0 to disable, 2 for timer jammer) localinfo k_dis 1 // discharge on (0 to turn off) localinfo k_666 0 // respawn 666 off (1 to enable) localinfo k_bzk 0 // berzerk off (1 to enable) localinfo k_btime 20 // berzerk time localinfo k_frp 0 // best weapon backpacks (1 to enable) localinfo k_lockmap 0 // prevent players from changing map (1 = lock, 0 = no lock) localinfo k_lockmin 0 // minimum number of teams in game localinfo k_lockmax 32 // maximum number of teams in game localinfo k_membercount 0 // minimum number of players in each team to start match localinfo k_prewar 1 // enable playerfire before matchstart (0 to disable) localinfo k_ann 1 // announce spectators during game (0 to disable) localinfo k_kfp 0 // "kill" flood protection off (1 to enable) localinfo k_sready 1 // players glow when not ready (0 to disable) localinfo k_exclusive 1 // number of players gets locked on gamestart (0 to disable) localinfo k_count 20 // number of seconds for the countdown to last localinfo k_admins 1 // allow admins (0 to disallow) localinfo k_admincode 666666 // 6 digit admin code (digits between 1 and 9 only) localinfo k_spectalk 1 // spectators can talk to players during game (0 to silence) localinfo k_dm2mod 1 // modified deathmatch 2 mode (see technical notes) localinfo k_duel 0 // kombat teams set to duel mode (no teamplay change) 1 = active localinfo k_timetop 60 // maximum time that can be allocated for a game by the players localinfo k_highspeed 370 // /speed toggles between sv_maxspeed 320 and k_highspeed localinfo k_defmap dm4 // server default map (see ALIEN MAPS) localinfo k_master 0 // mastermode off (1 to enable, see admin commands for details) localinfo k_idletime 0 // idle bot off (see IDLE BOT) localinfo k_motd1 // first line of text in the motd (preceeded only by "Welcome to") localinfo k_motd2 // second line of text in the motd (preceeded by "Welcome to" and k_motd1) localinfo k_maxrate 10000 // Set max rate allowed on the server localinfo k_minrate 1500 // Set min rate allowed on the server localinfo k_allowkick 1 // if 1 = admins can kick with /forcekick localinfo k_overtime 0 // If 0 no overtime, 1 add on X minutes set below localinfo k_exttime 5 // Sets amount of time to use for overtime. localinfo 1000 death32c // adds custom map "death32c" to kombat teams PLAYER INFOKEYS EXPLAINED: -------------------------- A sample kombat.cfg is included in the KOMBAT TEAMS package, cut'n'paste it to your personal config and modify it as you see fit. Player infokeys can be set from the console or in script files with "setinfo ". If you for example want female style messages you should set gender to "f"; this is done by typing "setinfo gender f". * "gender": Controls genderbased messages such as "checks his glasses". Gender is always considered male unless gender equals "f". Thus: setinfo gender m = "checks his glasses" "was telefragged by his teammate" etc. setinfo gender f = "checks her glasses" "was telefragged by her teammate" etc. setinfo gender allelse = "checks his glasses" "was telefragged by his teammate" etc. * "k_sdir": See "k_soundX" under "player commands explained". * "k_nick": If defined, it changes the output format of /report. "(yournamehere):" at the start of the line get replaced with k_nick. Example: Your name is "kemiKal_sWeMoB", you set your k_nick to "-kK-". Now, in Kombat Teams versions previous to 2.10 you would see: (kemiKal_sWeMoB): a:0 h:100 sg:25 In version 2.10 or above however (if you got k_nick defined), it will read: -kK- a:0 h:100 sg:25 * "k_flags": Add flagvalues together to customize your settings. excample: type "setinfo k_flags 3" in console to enable teamsounds and autoscreenshot (("k_sound" = 1 + "k_sshot" = 2) = 3). FLAGVALUES: ----------- 1 = "k_sound" See "k_soundX" under "player commands explained" 2 = "k_sshot" Automatically take screenshot scoreboard at the end of a game KOMBAT TEAMS technical notes ---------------------------- *** MAXRATE AND MINRATE If this is set to anything above 0 then it checks players on connect to see if their rate is either above or below the allowed settings. It also checks throughout game to see if anyone is trying to fool kteam :) This can be very useful at lans since you can set min and max to 10000 and people cannot forget about changing their rate i.e modem players always forget :) *** OVERTIME If it is switched on then when game ends it will check the scores. If they are equal it will add on the time specified in k_exttime. If the game is again a draw after that time has counted down it will add it on again etc.. Could be some long games heh. *** KOMBAT TEAMS IN DUEL MODE : If k_duel is set to 1, the server will not allow teamplay changes. Meaning, if you're running a 1-1 server - set k_duel to 1 and teamplay to 0. Also, /forcestart or the idle bot forcestart usually requiers you to join an existing team while counting down, this is not the case in duel mode. *** THE OPTIONAL MODIFIED DEATHMATCH 2 MODE : Setting the flag "k_dm2mod" in the server.cfg to 1 removes all armor on the map at matchstart if deathmatch mode 2 is chosen. The normal dmm2 is available by setting the same serverflag to "0". *** WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RESPAWN-TYPES? : Kombat Teams respawns differs from the normal QW respawns (also available in the patch) in that they spawn players on a spawnpoint even though someone else is occupying it. There's exceptions to this rule however, a player that has just spawned is considered a no spawn-target for 120 gameticks and a player can never spawn on the same spot twice in a row (unless the map contains less than 2 spawnpoints or all spawnpoints are full). For the first 3 seconds of a match, Kombat Teams respawns will attempt to avoid spawnfrags entirely (note that this is only for the spawntype "Kombat Teams respawns"). To have yourself spawned at what you consider to be a bad spawn before the match starts as not to get there won't work, the patch doesn't take pregame spawns into account. This type of respawns is by default enabled in KT since the patch's main function is to handle teamgames and we don't want any camping on important spots (like RA on dm4 for example). With the release of version 2.07, "KT SpawnSafety" was introduced. KT SpawnSafety means to avoid telefrags during games as much as possible (even if all spawnpoints are full) and tries to avoid spawning you at the same spot twice in a row. *** WHAT'S UP WITH THE LEVEL EXITS? : KT removes all "level-exits" at the start of each match. You will be able to walk through those teleporters without anything happening. Pre-game, you can still change level by walking through them (if the server's "samelevel" is set accordingly). *** WHAT "report" REALLY REPORTS: Best illustrated by example output, here's a couple: (player): a:0 h:100 sg:25 (no armor, 100 health and a shotgun with 25 shells) (player): ga:30 h:30 rl:5 (30 worth of green armor, 30 health and rocket launcher with 5 rockets) (player): ra:200 h:250 rl:100 [-quad-] (200 units of red armor, 250 health, a rocket launcher with 100 rockets and the player is quadpowered) ARMOR TYPES: green (GA) yellow (YA) and red (RA) WEAPONS: (this is the importancy order from lowest to highest) axe (AXE) shotgun (SG) nailgun (NG) super shotgun (SSG) super nailgun (SNG) grenade launcher (GL) lightning gun (LG) rocker launcher (RL) *** WHAT'S WITH ALL THOSE "his glasses" AND "his death" TEXTS? : Quake (and QW) uses male orientated messages that may or may not annoy you depending on your gender. Since the legend tells that there are a few girls and women out there gibbing with the rest of us, KT's got a function that displays genderbased messages accordingly. Your gender is determined as MALE by default but can be set to female by typing (in the console): setinfo gender f (alternatively, you can put that line in your autoexec.cfg). Anything other than an "f" is considered a MALE.. *** ABOUT TEAM-TELEFRAGS: If you get telefragged by one of your teammates, s/he doesn't get any frags for it but you get a death registred (not a -1 on frags but a +1 on deaths). *** LOCKTYPES: OFF = no locking. ALL = lockout all players trying to enter if game is in progress. TEAM = lockout all players trying to enter during match if their team is not set to one of the teams playing. Serversettings that functions as locks of a sort, are: k_lockmin (minimum number of teams in game) k_lockmax (maximum number of teams in game) k_membercount (minimum number of players in each team) k_exclusive (if set, maxplayers is locked on matchstart) *** SERVER RESET: On /reset, KT will execute the file "configs/reset.cfg" on the server. The ZIPped package of Kombat Teams should contain this directory and file. That file is to be considered as the server "defaults" and can be freely reconfigured as the server admin see fits. If the server allow admins, admins may also execute special admin configs on the server, where the server keeps settings for different leagues, gametypes etc. This is done like this: 1. become an admin by /admin and the correct sequence of impulses 2. change /team to the name of the config you want to execute on the server (for example /team 1vs1, /team lock, /team dql etc.). 3. now type /reset 4. if the server finds your config (configs/.cfg) the server will exectue it and out a message to the player(s) that the server is setup according to your desires. if you are in team "", KT will simply execute "configs/reset.cfg" instead. A sample admin server setup can be found in configs as "kk.cfg". *** ALIEN MAPS: Since KT support maps that some people might not have on their hd it also allows the serveradmin to set a defaultmap to which it will change to when the last player on the server logs out. In older versions of KT players could log off during mapchange which could leave the server empty on an unwanted map; KT now checks a minute after mapchange if the server is empty or not - if it is, KT switches back to k_defmap. Alternatively ofcourse, the admin (you) can allow map downloading. The localinfo value to set defaultmap is called "k_defmap". If "k_defmap" is not set - KT won't try to change to the default map. *** THE IDLE BOT: This is a mean fellow. If activated (by setting k_idletime above 0) he will wait for at least 50% of the players on the server to go ready, after that he will nag on the others to go ready every 5 seconds thereafter (and seconds 4, 3, 2 and 1). After "k_idletime" seconds have passed (since 50% of the players got ready) the idlebot will kick all players that have failed to go ready and start normal countdown if more than 2 players remain on the server. It is only recommended that you use the idlebot for public servers that are 1vs1 or 2vs2 oriented. Don't annoy your guests ;D *** /PICKUP: A simple function. If a majority (> 50%) of the players vote for "pickup", KT will set all the players skins to "base", their color to 0 (white) and their team to "" (nothing). If an admin types this command the everyone is automatically set to the above. *** PROXIES AND IMPULSES: Kombat Teams uses nearly all impulses between 20 and 255, so if you're using "best weapon" impulses with your proxy, make sure that you use an impulse between 13 and 19 for proper operation. Special thanks to the people who have suffered the most: -------------------------------------------------------- McCoy Bannor Tomppa Zoid Strider Thank you! ---------- The co-authors: Cenobite and Fang All members of TSL, JeePster, oKKun, HonK, Leon (Godfather of SweMob), FuN: Agorn - Awful Swede - Haywire - Zevlion - Kurgan, Axu, Perkele, Adze, HellsAngel, Paralyzer, Yyrkoon, Descenman, Heksen, CrazyMac, Rodan, oWl, Garfield, SLOP, Sister Death, Sandman, Blom, Paul Chambers, Thoth, Postman Phat, Zarjazz, Acquiesce, Nator, Spin, Zibbo, Frick, CiC, Caustic, Rob J, Amok, Jezaja, X-Man, TC-Dade, Deeper, Lion, Jimbob. If you know that you've made a contribution and you do not appear in the above list, e-mail me and I'll remedy the situation. Also a big "thank you" to all you people using the patch as players and/or admins; this modification has depended on your input and will continue to do so. enjoy, Ceno(