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Since May 12th 99


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New versions of patched quake & qwcl executables
Check PPC and 68K binaries sections !

Speedup Hint
Performance can be improved slightly (about 1 percent with 68K version) by reducing sound sample rate.
This is done by adding the parameter -audspeed 5500 to the quakeworld commandline
Ofcourse you can set the sound sample rate to other values if you prefer (11025 is default)

GameTracker v0.5 Game Server Browser for Amiga
Latest incarnation of QWBrowse with many new features

Improved accuracy of ping filter (range 100 - 500 ms) * Progress indicator enabled - allowed by redirected output of all queries (v0.4+) * Can be run entirey from ram by setting appropriate config option (requires 1.2 MB) * Requesters are more readable and informative * players alert: Optional SFX when server has a minimum # of active players * mapname alert: Optional SFX when a particular map is active on server * not full alert: Optional SFX when server (often full) becomes available for joining * playername alert: Optional SFX when a particular player is on server * Added a string requester to GameTracker, MasterCache and CustomCache * Memory flush before game-launch is now optional * Updated GameTracker.config * Improved stability with amcheapo (QuakeWorld proxy) * Automatic launch of amcheapo if set in GameTracker.config

Download the archive here: (1200 K)
Altenative sounds : (350K)
Read the documentation: gametracker.htm

Qstat source is available here: Qstat-downloads page

QWBrowse v0.3 Game Server Browser for Amiga
QWBrowse is a powerful script-based frontend for Qstat. It functions as serverbrowser and game launcher for QuakeWorld, Quake, HereticII, Sin and Shogo. Among the special features is support for direct connection through amcheapo (with QuakeWorld)


Managed to get Qstat to run stable by increasing stack :) * Much improved performance (up to 300%), due to better use of Qstat options * Support for Qstatv 2.3+ (qstatold variable in qwbrowse.config) * Support for HereticII, Sin and Shogo * Refresh option extended to master/file queries * Auto-refresh option has been added to single-server-query mode * Option for displaying all server-rules in single-query mode * Filters for gamedir, capacity, mapname, and gamedir-capacity combination * Filters for ping-limited server display * Auto-displays ID maps (incl q1edge,base32b & death32c), ztndmX, ctfX, ctf2mX, missionpack 1 & 2 * Sound samples accompany actions * A new tool, CustomCache, for generating and saving filtered serverlists * Lots of new cache files (Quake, HereticII, Sin and Shogo)

Download the archive here: (900 K)
Read the documentation: qwbrowse.htm

Qstat source is available here: Qstat-downloads page

QWBrowse v0.2 released

QWBrowse v0.1 released

Another server-browser candidate
Pinger , a simple text based server-browser and game-launcher for linux console.
Does not require qstat - nor does pinger use it as base
Pinger source is only 19K long !!
description: pinger.htm source:

Server-browser sources:
Qstat , a textbased server-browser, is available with source at:
Supported games include Quake, Quakeworld, Shogo and Heretic II !!

Shell based frontends/implementations of qstat:
qlaunch (development ceased)
uses the linux console and a menu system to browse servers and launch qw.
description: qlaunch.htm source:

gstat (development ceased)
adds remote server administration features to qstat.
description: gstat.htm source:

GUI frontend for qstat:
XQF is a very nice looking x-windows based frontend for qstat.
I guess it would require a lot of work, since it relies on something called GTK+ toolkit.


Num Keypad usage explained in Guide/FAQ section

Public Qizmolists updated
Amcheapo archive updated with docs

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PPC Binaries

Patched Executables (19-jul-00)


    Here's patched versions of QUAKE and QWCL(v1.0 from aminet) by Frank Wille & Steffen Haeuser

    Notes concerning Quake
    The patched Quake executables has disabled palette shift in liquids (polyblend hack).
    Besides, pickup flash can be togled on/off with the commands bf1 and bf0, provided that you
    execute the supplied flash.cfg from the console or paste the
    contents of flash.cfg to your autoexec.cfg.
    The flash.cfg MUST be executed, or you will have "bf" messages printed on screen !

    You can edit the deafult setting, which is the last line in flash.cfg
    bf0 (default off)
    bf1 (default on)

    Notes concerning QuakeWorld
    Pickup flash ban be toggled on/off with the commands bf1 and bf0
    Default setting is on (bf1) - you don't need the flash.cfg for quakeworld, since the command aliases are done by QWCL!
    Palette shift in liquids is controlled with the command v_contentblend

    v_contentblend 0 disables polyblend
    v_contentblend 1 enables polyblend

    Notes (general)
    If you need more fps and/or some good configs for getting started,
    you should check the pakfiles below, the GUIDE/FAQ and PROXIES sections.

    All executables are also prepared for my ambience.pak (see below).

    The sound.pak contains modified/null wav's for some of the big samples - it boosts framerate slightly.

  • (90K)

    The ambience.pak contains null wav's in place of all ambient sounds
    - it helps fps slightly, but more importantly:
    it removes a distraction factor in deathmatch.
    !! It requires one of the patched executables !!
  • (400 bytes)

    The progs.pak contains modified versions of missile, grenade, shaft, weapons, backpack, null gibs and null torches + powerup and armor mdl's without rotation.
    It improves performance significantly with all versions of quake and quakeworld.
  • (50K)

    Installation: the paks must be named logically - if you have, say pak0.pak and pak1.pak in your ID1 dir,
    name the new paks cronologically (pak2.pak and pak3.pak...)

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    68K Binaries

    Patched Quake and QWCL M68K Client (19-jul-00):

    Here's patched versions of QUAKE and QWCL(v1.0 from aminet) by Frank Wille & Steffen Haeuser


    Notes concerning Quake
    The patched Quake executable has disabled palette shift in liquids (polyblend hack).
    Besides, pickup flash can be togled on/off with the commands bf1 and bf0, provided that you
    execute the supplied flash.cfg from the console or paste the
    contents of flash.cfg to your autoexec.cfg.
    The flash.cfg MUST be executed, or you will have "bf" messages printed on screen !

    You can edit the deafult setting, which is the last line in flash.cfg
    bf0 (default off)
    bf1 (default on)

    Notes concerning QuakeWorld
    Pickup flash ban be toggled on/off with the commands bf1 and bf0
    Default setting is on (bf1) - you don't need the flash.cfg for quakeworld, since the command aliases are done by QWCL!
    Palette shift in liquids is controlled with the command v_contentblend

    v_contentblend 0 disables polyblend
    v_contentblend 1 enables polyblend

    Notes (general)
    If you need more fps and/or some good configs for getting started,
    you should check the pakfiles below, the GUIDE/FAQ and PROXIES sections.

    Executables are prepared for my ambience.pak (see below).

    The sound.pak contains modified/null wav's for some of the big samples - it boosts framerate slightly.

  • (90K)

    The ambience.pak contains null wav's in place of all ambient sounds
    - it helps fps slightly, but more importantly:
    it removes a distraction factor in deathmatch.
    !! It requires one of the patched executables !!
  • (400 bytes)

    The progs.pak contains modified versions of missile, grenade, shaft, weapons, backpack, null gibs and null torches + powerup and armor mdl's without rotation.
    It improves performance significantly with all versions of quake and quakeworld.
  • (50K)

    Installation: the paks must be named logically - if you have, say pak0.pak and pak1.pak in your ID1 dir,
    name the new paks cronologically (pak2.pak and pak3.pak...)

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    Server-browser/monitor sourcecodes ??
    check this !

    GameTracker v0.5 Game Server Browser for Amiga
    Latest incarnation of QWBrowse with many new features

    Improved accuracy of ping filter (range 100 - 500 ms) * Progress indicator enabled - allowed by redirected output of all queries (v0.4+) * Can be run entirey from ram by setting appropriate config option (requires 1.2 MB) * Requesters are more readable and informative * players alert: Optional SFX when server has a minimum # of active players * mapname alert: Optional SFX when a particular map is active on server * not full alert: Optional SFX when server (often full) becomes available for joining * playername alert: Optional SFX when a particular player is on server * Added a string requester to GameTracker, MasterCache and CustomCache * Memory flush before game-launch is now optional * Updated GameTracker.config * Improved stability with amcheapo (QuakeWorld proxy) * Automatic launch of amcheapo if set in GameTracker.config

    Download the archive here: (1200 K)
    Altenative sounds : (350K)
    Read the documentation: gametracker.htm

    Qstat source is available here: Qstat-downloads page

    QWBrowse v0.3 Game Server Browser for Amiga
    QWBrowse is a powerful script-based frontend for Qstat. It functions as serverbrowser and game launcher for QuakeWorld, Quake, HereticII, Sin and Shogo. Among the special features is support for direct connection through amcheapo with QuakeWorld


    Managed to get Qstat to run stable by increasing stack :) * Much improved performance (up to 300%), due to better use of Qstat options * Support for Qstatv 2.3+ (qstatold variable in qwbrowse.config) * Support for HereticII, Sin and Shogo * Refresh option extended to master/file queries * Auto-refresh option has been added to single-server-query mode * Option for displaying all server-rules in single-query mode * Filters for gamedir, capacity, mapname, and gamedir-capacity combination * Filters for ping-limited server display * Auto-displays ID maps (incl q1edge,base32b & death32c), ztndmX, ctfX, ctf2mX, missionpack 1 & 2 * Sound samples accompany actions * A new tool, CustomCache, for generating and saving filtered serverlists * Lots of new cache files (Quake, HereticII, Sin and Shogo)

    Download the archive here: (900 K)
    Read the documentation: qwbrowse.htm
    Alternative sounds for QWB: (340K)
    (Updated 31-MAY-00)

    Qstat source is available here: Qstat-downloads page

    QW RocketArena (list updated 05-apr-00)

  • Serverinfo is updated at your request
  • Download RocketArena client files here

    Large serverlist - easy to find servers of interest:
    Gameaholic Quake-server database
    Tip: use qw as one of the search strings
    examples: qw duel or qw ctf or qw /32 (/32 finds the servers with 32 players capacity)

    Very good german online QW-server-browser:

      | News | PPC QW binaries | 68k QW binaries | Servers | Proxies | Mods | Skins | Guide/Faq | Links |


    QW PROXY: proxies (Cheapo and Qizmo) are used for routing nework traffic bewteen qwcl and the server.
    Addtionally, proxies can modify the data. You connect to the proxy and instruct it modify the data
    the way you like it. Then you tell the proxy to connect itself to a server and start filtering data.
    In other words it acts as an interface between you and the servers you play on.

    Cheapo (AmCheapo v1.0) has been ported by Gavin Kinsey!
    Available for download here (68k version)
    Key features:
    * fps enhancements, bandwith improvements, teamplay communication improvements *
    You may need to reduce your heap with 1.4 (-mem parameter), because cheapo eats appx 1.4 megs
    Instructions: start cheapo - then qwcl. Next, type "connect localhost" (without quotes).
    Cheapo has inbuilt online help: type "proxy:help" or ".help" to get started.
    Cheapo Homepage

    07-MAY-00: Configs for Cheapo & Qizmo
    I have made a few configs which sets up some handy aliases for fps- and connectionn improvements, chaining (connect from cheapo to public qizmo proxies) + 40 server aliases.
    You should put them in your ID1 subdir. Look at the config in a text viewer, since it's well documented.
    When you have read and understood it, start cheapo and qwcl.
    Then execute proxyservers.cfg and follow the instructions printed in the console.
    - easy as eating pancakes :)

    07-MAY-00: Public Qizmo proxies - use them!
    Download qizmo.cfg
    Place it in your id1 dir, fire up qwcl and type "exec qizmo.cfg" in the console (without quotes)
    (you should take a glance at the qizmo.cfg before you start)
    typing, will connect you to public qw-proxies and let you have
    fps enhancements, a VERY good server-browser and other nice stuff
    - from there you connect to the actual servers
    Current (07-MAY-00) list includes proxies in:
    Finland 4 | United Kingdom 4 | Poland 4 | Sweden 2
    Denmark 1 | Italy 1 | Germany 1 | Australia 3 |

    Qizmo proxy tutorial

    Qizmo homepage

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    QuakeC files for quakeworld: (110 Kb)
    QC compilers can be downloaded from aminet. I recommend faqcc

    QW RocketArena

  • QW Rocket Arena serverinfo
  • Download RocketArena client files here

    16 maps with extremely low r_speeds for RocketArena
    If you need some good maps for a Quakeworld RocketArena server, get them here:

  • Rocketarena Maps with screenshots

    KombatTeams servermod for QW

  • Download Kombat Teams v2.10
  • kombat.txt

    QW Crosshair Replacement:

  • red_crosshair.txt

      | News | PPC QW binaries | 68k QW binaries | Servers | Proxies | Mods | Skins | Guide/Faq | Links |

    Quakeworld skins:

    Base Skin

    Here's the base.pcx skin and instructions for creating your own skins
    (Tip: PPaint loads and saves pcx format)

  • QWCL68K tips:

    If you have problems with framerate, but can't reduce viewsize because of loss of enemy visibility,
    you may want to use this skin with fullbright (always visible and unchanging) colors
    I personally use this in order to enhance enemy visibility with viewsize 50, which gives nice framerate.
    Click on image to download skin, and place it in all your skins subdirs -
    and set "noskins 2" and "skin base" in your cfg!

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    Guide & FAQ

    Numeric keypad note:
    In the current release of qwcl (30-JAN-00) white keys works like this:
    1: End - use this to jump to bottom of console output
    2: Downarrow - like corresponding cursor key
    3: PgDn - use this to scroll forward in console output
    4: Leftarrow - like corresponding cursor key
    5: No Function
    6: Rightarrow - like corresponding cursor key
    7: Home - makes console unusable! - use "1" to reverse
    8: Uparrow - like corresponding cursor key
    9: PgUp - use this to scroll backward in console output

    QuakeWorld documentation from ID's source release:
    Covers setup for qwcl & qwsv incl complete command list.
    (note that some parameters/cmds are not supported in current amiga releases)

    main.cfg and servers.cfg
    Download and place in your ID1 dir. These configs contain a very good setup for getting started
    incl. a selection of aliases for 40 servers!

    Download and place in your ID1 dir. In your console, type exec connection.cfg.
    You will then the be asked to type what connection speed you have.
    The aliases are "c.28k","c.56k","c.isdn","c.cable","c.dsl","c.t1" and "c.t3".
    This should cover most systems :)
    You don't need to memorize anything - all needed info is printed in your console
    when you type this alias, rate and pushlatency (movement prediction) will be set to suitable values.
    As an extra feature, the most common prediction values for your connection speed can be accessed
    with the F2,F3 & F4 keys. When you press the the F keys, you will be notified about the magnitude
    of current prediction, measured in ms. You should as a rule choose a prediction value ranging
    from 1/2 to 3/4 of your average ping, but the default values should be ok for most situations.

    QWstartup for amiga
    Some allround tips for getting started... qwstartup

    QuakeWorld Guide

    QW Console Comands:

  • QW Commands

    qwcl cmds not covered in current faq's:
    v_contentblend 0/1 :default is 1, 0 turns off palette shift in liquids
    cl_chasecam 0/1 : if you connect as spectator (spectator 1), setting
    cl_chasecam to 1 will enable viewing through players eyes instead of camera.

    Special note for qwcl68k
    According to timerefresh under identical conditions (same map, same position)
    qwcl68k runs 5% faster without the -hack parameter. I recommend not to use it.

      | News | PPC QW binaries | 68k QW binaries | Servers | Proxies | Mods | Skins | Guide/Faq | Links |

    Quakeworld Links:

    Homepage of Frank Wille (amiga quakeworld port)
    Homepage of Gavin Kinsey (amiga port of cheapo proxy)

    Planetquake q1 section

    Normal Quake Section