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Short : Polyblend & bf hack for Quake Author : surgeon Uploader : Type : game/patch 07-10-99 (quake.pch didn't contain bf hack - fixed!) 02-08-99 This is a small patch for use with clickBOOM's 68K executables and PPCquake. I have included patches for the normal, the 060 version and the illegal PPC. It gives clear view in water, slime and lava just like in GLQuake with polblend switched off. Besides it disables the bf command (the pickup flash). Just remember to make an empty alias for bf, since the progs.dat code on most servers will parse the bf command. Add this line to your .cfg file: alias bf "" This will do the trick. You will not get annoyed by the flash, and besides it helps fps noticeably on M68K!! (The PPC version is untested, but I'm pretty sure it'll work just fine) Patching the executable is very simple. Just doubleclick the patchquake icon, and you will be prompted with filerequesters, telling you to select the exe to be patched, the corresponding .pch file and finally a destination file. Please note: the normal exe must be 624716 in length, and the 060.exe must be 629784 The compatible ppc executable is fastquake5 (877320 bytes in length) Enjoy this little patch. Oh, and both hacks improves fps :)) - surgeon