Thank you from Steeple Software

Steeple Software (Steve Quartly and Paul Huxham) would like to thank the following people/groups/organizations for their help in bringing PhotoFolio to release state. The list below is by no means complete or in any particular order, but we hope you will forgive us if we forgot you. Everybodys input has been invaluable.

Debra Lots of love and patience!
Tuyen Your love, patience and understanding
Stefan Stuntz Magic User Interface
Timm Müller guigfx.library, render.library and mysticview.library
Dieter Müller Schatztruhe
Oliver Esberger German translation, toolbar images and beta tester
David Ceulemans Beta tester
Andreas Kleinert Beta tester
Vit Sindlar Czech translation and beta tester
Luca Longone Italian translation
Amiga Inc Amiga
Olaf Barthel Many source code examples and for an OS update
Victor M.Gutiérrez Spanish translation and beta tester
Oliver Roberts WarpUp PPC support
Haage & Partner Amiga platform support