PhotoFolio ARexx scripts

PhotoFolio has an inbuilt ARexx interface which can be used to automate many repetetive tasks, link PhotoFolio with other software and to personalize features of PhotoFolio for your own use.

Here are some ARexx scripts for you to try/use and modify. Be sure to send any ARexx scripts you create that you wish to share with others and they will appear here.

move_proofs.pfrx This script selects every second proof in the current browse window, moves the selected proofs to a newly opened browse window
select_n_save.pfrx This selects every second proof in the browse window and then saves the proofs, using the settings for any required paths
select_n_set_questionable.pfrx This selects every second proof in the browse window and then sets the questionable attribute to ON
select_n_show_proofs.pfrx This selects every second proof in the browse window and then shows them one at a time