PhotoFolio non-disclosure and beta testing program license agreement 1. Copyright Copyright (C) 2000 Steeple Software All rights reserved. Steeple Software 1280 Stevens Street Mundaring Western Australia Steve Quartly - Paul Huxham - All mentioned trademarks are subject to their owners. 2. Scope Any program(s) or file(s) retrieved in any manner from the PhotoFolio beta test home site, this includes but is not limited to the PhotoFolio executable and/or PhotoFolio program patches, executables not named PhotoFolio or similar, all documentation, all utilities, all patches and all examples hereinafter the "programs" or "the program", remain the property of Steeple Software and are (C) Steeple Software. 3. Warranty The author(s) is/are not responsible for any damages caused by the use or misuse of this documentation and/or the program(s) it describes. The program is provided "as-is" and subject to change without notice; no warranties are made or implied. All use is at your own risk. No liability or responsibility is made or assumed. The program should be considered in a "beta" state and therefore possibly unstable. 4. Termination Steeple Software may terminate this license at any time, with or without cause. This license and licensee's rights herein will automatically terminate upon the breach by the licensee of these terms and conditions. Upon such termination, the licensee shall destroy all copies of the program in its possession. At the discretion of Steeple Software, misuse of your username/password combination could render your beta testing status terminated. Licensees who never ever report anything and are using their beta test status only to obtain the program may have their beta testing status terminated. This does not mean however that you must find a bug to maintain your beta testing status. 5. The program provided by Steeple Software may not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part. 6. The program may not be modified or sublicensed in any way. 7. The license to use the program is extended to users with usernames/passwords that have been validated by Steeple Software. 8. The licensee shall hold Steeple Software and its employees harmless from any and all claims, damages and liabilities resulting or arising out of the use of the programs. 9. The licensee agrees to assist Steeple Software with the testing of new versions of the program by providing information and feedback of bugs and problems associated with the program. 10. Steeple Software is under no obligation to fix or enhance the program when requested to do so. 11. The licensee is not to disclose any bug fixes, changes, new features or enhanced capabilities of the program or any other information of any kind obtained from the beta test site or the files retrieved from that site unless directed to do so by Steeple Software. 12. This license is valid until the termination of the licensees' username/password. ========================================================================= I, {full name} on this day {today's date} consent to the PhotoFolio non-disclosure and beta testing license agreement. My preferred username is {maximum of 8 characters}. Steeple Software reserves the right to alter your username from that provided. Please note: * A username/password will be assigned to you and delivered to you by signed PGP email. Your PGP signature will also be used for any future secure communications from Steeple Software. * All software downloaded from the site will be in a zip archive with a password. Every zip file will have a different password. Zip passwords will be mailed by signed PGP email to all username/password holders, as new versions of the software are made available.