Hi All, Steeple Software is proud to announce the first commercial release of PhotoFolio v2.0 in conjunction with Schatztruhe. PhotoFolio v2.0 is a major step forward from it's predecessor version 1.2 with many new features including: * ARexx A fully documented ARexx port for those of you who like to automate tasks using ARexx scripts. These scripts are made available through pull down menus and toolbay buttons and can be pre-configured in the settings window. * Drag 'n' Drop proofs Dragging and dropping of proofs is now supported (by popular demand!). You can drag and drop: - Between browse windows. - Onto a path in the main window's listtree. - Onto a Show window. - Onto the information window. * Workbench Icon Support Workbench icons can be dropped: - Onto a browse window - Onto the listtree in the main window. * Toolbays Both the main and browse windows now have toolbays (optionally, of course!) making navigating around PhotoFolio v2.0 faster and easier. Those of you who don't like using context menus.... this is for you! * CLI support You can launch PhotoFolio v2.0 from a shell, passing in paths. Each path passed in will automatically be added to the main window's listtree and then opened into a browse window. * Listtree Tree mode The listtree in the main window can now be operated in the current "flat mode" or as a proper directory tree structure in "tree mode". * Native IFF-ILBM loading Imageio.library has been re-written to support IFF-ILBM. This means there is a dramatic increase in speed when loading IFF-ILBM files. * Amiga DOS pattern matching Selecting proofs has never been easier. Using the in-built Amiga DOS pattern matching system, proofs can now be selected using wildcards etc. * Saving of images as JPegs Images can now be converted to jpegs directly within PhotoFolio v2.0. * Settings The setting window has been totally re-designed and re-written making sure your prefs file is completely compatabile with future versions of PhotoFolio. * Unsaved proof indication For those of you who run without any text description below the proofs, knowing which proofs are saved and which aren't is a problem. Now, a red box is (optionally) drawn in the bottom right hand corner of un-saved proofs. * Constant size proofs Proofs can now be displayed at a constant size, making the distribution of proofs in the browse window even. There has also been several minor improvements and additions, and many bug fixes from version 1.2 making it more stable and flexible. These new options coupled with the the existing features of PhotoFolio make it a formidable image cataloguing system for both the amateur and professional user alike. With continuing support, PhotoFolio promises to be one of the most powerful image cataloguing systems available on the Amiga platform. PhotoFolio v2.0 is planned to be released in early to mid February. Price has yet to be decided, however users who have paid the shareware fee will receive a discount on the retail price. Steve Quartly and Paul Huxham Steeple Software