The State of the Matrix

What is the Matrix?

The Matrix is the collection of computer systems that is reachable by e-mail from the Internet. While all Internet systems that can receive e-mail are part of the Matrix, the Matrix also includes computers on store and forward networks such as FidoNet, FrEdMail, BITNET, UUCP, WWIVNet, RBBS-Net, OneNet, and RIME. This article summarizes the status of each of these networks, and their relationship to each other as of March, 1994.


UUCP systems speak the Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol, and exchange mail with Internet hosts that also can communicate via UUCP. While UUCP does not have its own domain, they are often addressable via the use of the .UUCP pseudo-domain, which is rewritten by sendmail so as to route mail to UUNET.


To exchange mail, FidoNet uses a system of FidoNet/UUCP gateways that communicate with Internet hosts that also can communicate UUCP. FidoNet has the domain


WWIVNet is a network of BBS systems that has gateways with FidoNet as well as UUCP, so that all WWIVNet systems are reachable from the Internet. WWIVNet does not currently have its own domain.


RBBSNet systems also use the FidoNet protocols, but are administratively separate from FidoNet. To exchange mail, they use FidoNet/UUCP gateways that communicate with Internet hosts that also speak UUCP. RBBS-Net has the domain


To exchange mail, the FrEdMail network uses gateways that are on the Internet and that also can communicate via the FrEdMail protocol. FrEdMail systems use the domain


The BITNET core systems are on the Internet and run TCP/IP. While they do not have their own domain, they are often addressable via the use of the .BITNET pseudo-domain, which is rewritten by sendmail so as to route mail to a BITNET gateway.


RIME is a network running PostLink that has isolated systems running UUCP, but no formal gateways to any other networks. As a result, RIME does not have its own domain and most RIME systems are not part of the Matrix.


OneNet is a network running FirstClass that has isolated systems on the Internet and running UUCP, but no formal gateway system to other non-FirstClass networks. With the release of FirstClass v2.5, FirstClass will support multi-hop routing, and it is conceivable that a formal gateway system could develop at that time. OneNet does not have a domain.

Bernard Aboba,, last modified: 3/18/94