FTP Edit SL 1.03 It's free, so please honore this work: look at the german site www.fnet.de! MANUAL ======= FTP Edit is an editor and FTP-Client (in passive mode). It will work fine, if you put the FTP_EDIT.INI file into the windows or winnt directory. You can edit this file to your own belongings. You will find new features below. You can print this, by right clicking on the editor, and choosing File / Print. The program is divided in six divisions: 1. The upper options: Here you can enter your login name, password, ftp-site, path and build the connection. Use the down arrow to connect to standard sites, given in the FTP_EDIT.INI file. 2. The left upper explorer: Is the ftp-explorer with different views and sorts. Try the right mouse button to get all features. If you double click a file, the editor will show it. 5. The left divider: let you divide the upper and lower explorer by your choice. 4. The left lower explorer: Is the local-explorer with different views and sorts. Try the right mouse button to get all features. 5. The middle divider: let you divide the left and right windows by your choice. 6. The right editor: is a middle class editor for HTML and text files. Try right mouse button and speed buttons for functions. The left arrow speed button will upload the file to your ftp server. While you are editing a file, it is copied temporatly to your tmp directory (\windows\temp). Whether you rename it or not, you can upload it with this different name to a different ftp directory. Play with it, you will get numerous more features, like Makros, Printing, ... And don't forget to look at the german site www.fnet.de! Thanx to Andreas Hörstemeier for his welldoing FTP-component Gerrit Wolsink for his beautiful RICHPRINTER-component AUTHOR: Christian Hartnick, Silverline Frankfurter Ring 193a Germany, 80807 München hartnick@silverline.de NEW FEATURES / HISTROY LIST ============================ 1.03 Bugs fixed - some minor bugs - support of Japanese (other) websites/charsets through binary FTP [FTP-Parameter] FtpEditorTransfer="TYPE A" FtpFileTransfer="TYPE I" ;TYPE A for ASCII-Transfer and TYPE I for binary ;Set FtpEditorTransfer="TYPE I" for binary FTP 1.02 More control over layout and accounts - some minor bugs - define font and size of editor and controls in FTP_EDIT.INI [FTP-Desktop] EditorFontName="Courier New" EditorFontSize=10 ControlFontName="MS Sans Serif" ControlFontSize=8 - user info for anonymous requests [User-Data] Name="Christian Hartnick" Email="hartnick@silverline.de" [FTP-Accounts] 01="anonymous:_email_@ftp.microsoft.com/" 1.01 Bugs fixed (MS will call this V2) - some minor bugs - Logout or refresh connection to FTP-Server after a while (FTP_EDIT.INI) [FTP-Timeout] Minutes=1 ;Minute=0 to deactivate timeout refresh Action=0 ; 0 : refresh : 1 : close 1.0 First Version spreaded out to the world FREEWARE LICENCE: =================== For distribution: This program may be FREELY COPIED and DISTRIBUTED as long as there'll not be any kind of changes in the contents of this pack and the contents of its files, including sources and this text file. Furthermore, you are NOT allowed to SELL it as a stand alone SOFTWARE PACK. However you can include and distribute this Program as part of a FREEWARE Package. (If you do so, please keep me informed). For usage: You may write and compile your own application programs using freely this software, including any libraries and source code included for such purpose with this pack. You may freely reproduce and distribute programs which you create using this software (including source code), even for commercial purposes. Before you use it, please read the following, DISCLAIMER: ============ THE AUTHOR DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.