---------------------- Dexter the FTP Indexer ---------------------- by Shawn C. Reimerdes HOMEPAGE == http://www.leechsoftware.com/dexter/ ! INDEX & VERIFY FTP SITE LISTS ! Overview ----------- Dexter is a Win32 application that takes a list of FTP sites and spawns a bunch of threads which go out and index all the files and directories on those FTP servers. When the processing is complete, the indexes are written to an HTML file. You can configure the depth of the directory recursion as well as the maximum simultaneous threads, and PASV mode is supported. How to Use ------------ Add your favorite sites, adjust the connection settings (retries, PASV?), and whenever you want a sitemap of an FTP Server, just select those sites with the Ctrl key and click INDEX. Dexter will show you the HTML output when it's done! Requirements ----------- OpSys: Win98/95, NT4 Contact ----------- Send comments & bugs to: Shawn C. Reimerdes (Boston Univ Comp Sci'98) http://www.leechsoftware.com/